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Icons have replaced clipped notes

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Does anyone know why notes clipped notes from my Android phone are now showing up as WWW icons with the word Clipping below (attached) in among my desktop clipped notes? This a change in the couple of weeks. To go to actual clipped note, you have to click on the note URL to see it which means the content I wanted to save is not available for searches. Same icon and Clipping shows up in Evernote app but adds phrase "View original" to see note content.

Is this an Evernote thing or something occurring when I click Share and then Evernote on the Android device. Previously it would click the entire article and send to Evernote.

Looking for any information on what is going and to how to revert back to clipping the entire article directly from Android phone.


EN ScreenClip.png

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Interestingly I'm sitting here looking at my latest clip from http://www.theguardian.com/money/2016/aug/20/state-pension-top-up-no-one-wants?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Add_to_Evernote which looks like this - after a re-clip from the desktop (2nd image) it's still a bit off,  but at least I have 6,600 words more than last time...

I'm on the latest Android and Windows betas - what's your Android version?



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