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Word wrap of note titles in Notebook Card View doesn't always work

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I noticed a strange behaviour of the word wrap for note titles  that contain longer words in the Notebook Card View. While this may not look like a big problem, it would be anyway nice to have a consistantly woking word wrap for all titles of notes, since it's quite important to read as much of a note's title as possible in Card View.

In the examples below, depending on the number of letters, the second word of the title is either completely hidden or correctly wrapped to the second line.To show the number of letters of each word, i have replaced letters with numbers (in other words, the numbers of each line represent the letters of two words):

Word wrap of the note titles in Notebook Card View does work for these combinations:

12345 12345678901234567
12345 123456789012345678901
123456 123456789012345678901
1234567 123456789012345678901
12345678 123456789012345678901
123456789 123456789012345678901
1234567890 123456789012345678901
12345678 123456789012345678

Word wrap of the note titles in Notebook Card View does NOT work for these combinations:

12345 123456789012345678
12345 1234567890123456789
12345 12345678901234567890
123456 123456789012345678
123456 1234567890123456789
1234567 123456789012345678

These are only a few combinations, of course there are many more possible examples be found for each behaviour.

Maybe the algorithm for word wrap of note titles should be reworked.

Evernote Client for Windows Prerelease.

Best regards,

EDIT: No problem with Mac Client 6.8 by the way!

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