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Highlighing Search Terms in PDF files

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I scan PDFs into Evernote. These are not pre-indexed to make them searchable.  I want to depend on Evernote to do that, as that is the most efficient process.  They do become searchable, but the found words are not highlighted in the documents, which greatly reduces the overall efficiency value of Evernote search for PDFs.

Has this ever been implemented?  

I read in some archived posts that it was a licensing issue with FoxIt, but it would seem after all these years or working together, this minor improvement would have been added.  I see when I right click on the PDF and 'save searchable PDF'  that it saves a file with just the indexed word, but mapped to the right location on the page, so everything is there, just someone needs to turn on the highlighting ;-)

  • Level 5*

I always OCR my scans / PDF files generally before adding to Evernote. IMHO it's more effective to do so:

  • I know that the OCR is immediately complete in all cases
  • the file is indexed as soon as it is uploaded,  and
  • it is still searchable if exported (Evernote's OCR is not - I don't see a 'save searchable PDF' option in Evernote Windows Desktop)

I get highlighted text for one-page searches.  (Bigger documents,  I use Adobe's internal search feature.)

I can't verify your report,  but if you're finding this an issue,  I'd suggest you report it as a bug.  There currently seems to be a little confusion regarding a new support page - try this one initially:  https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new  But if you're not seeing a link to a support ticket request,  go directly there:  https://evernote.com/contact/support/ticket/


  • Level 5*

I use the ScanSnap software to OCR my scans which get added to EN right away using the import folder process.  And the search text is highlighted on the first page of the PDF visible in the note window, single or multi page.  If a multi page PDF I use Ctrl-F after opening PDF to find other occurrences of the search text.


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