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[bug] Pasting into encrypted text block fails

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Pasting text into encrypted text block opened with "Show Encrypted Text" fails, leading to text block closure and miss-pasting.

Even recorded a short movie for you!

Please look into it.

Thanks in advance.



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I encrypted text in a note.  I can display the encrypted text on my smart phone, but not edit it.  I can display the encrypted text on the web Evernote, but not edit it.  On my local Evernote install, it returns the error message "Incorrect passphrase".  Cannot edit the encrypted text from the computer.  What is one to do if one cannot edit the text?  The note becomes useless if cannot be dynamic.

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  • 1 month later...

I populate encrypted notes with information using copy/paste. I can no longer paste any text inside an encrypted note - I have to type it in which makes this feature somewhat worthless. When I attempt to paste text the note instantly closes and the text pastes ahead of the locked note icon. I suspect this is a bug.

Please advise.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, ddenlinger said:

Mac version 6.8.   It is still broken.

For me it does not close the encrypted area, it just refuses to paste. Which is bad enough.

Probably better to post this in the Mac Product Feedback forum...

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