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(Archived) My usage of Evernote on Android


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Been using Evernote on Android for a while now. Have got the latest Beta which has the Share enabled again.

Not having offline notes is probably the one thing I would like the most from the app, but I've actually realised its not so bad if you look at it from another angle.

On the desktop either at work or at home, I'm constantly moving selected notes/piccies/webpages etc to Evernote. I only copy stuff I know I might want to access from elsewhere.

Now my usage of Evernote on Android matches that. I use BugMe (old Palm users will remember BugMe as well as the excellent DiddleBug) for writing quick notes on the screen, phone numbers etc. And I use Easy Note for storing text notes etc. I then go thru occassionally & "Share" selected BugMe, Easy Notes, Piccies etc with Evernote on my phone.

Unfortunately the Share function in the new Android beta is a little flaky. From some apps Share works great (Easy Note). while BugMe Share with Evernote simply does not work, when perhaps it should. The only reliable way I've found is using Share with Gmail & emailing to your Evernote email address. That works everytime.

Now my usage of the Android Evernote client is more of a quick retrieval of ideas etc. And if I did want to add a notes, snapshot etc etc that option is still available to me thru the Android Evernote client.

So offline notes would be awesome, but there are ways around it. And it doesn't make the Android client any less useful.

Keep up the good work



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No probs. I really like the Evernote app!

Yeah using 'intents' within BugMe to Evernote pretty much does nothing. i.e I goto Share a scribbled note from within BugMe, I see Evernote try & do something as I see 'Evernote' appear in the command bar, then nothing. It just quickly goes back to BugMe.

From the looks of things, BugMe's 'note' is a png (with an optional text title), so in theory I would imagine it should be like adding an image to Evernote. Maybe thats the problem, the 'Intent' for Evernote defaults to adding a Text Note ?

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