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Clipper adding .webp extension to .jpgs


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I've been using free Evernote (MacOS) to mainly clip recipes, primarily with the Opera web clipper extension, although i also sometimes use Chrome and Safari. This month i finally upgraded to a paid account. I was excited to clip in a lot of new recipes without running out of space for the month : )

But when i clip webpages into Evernote now, images do not appear inline as they used to. They are all appearing as attachments, and the attachments are .webp format so they don't display inline. I have searched on the forum and i understand that Evernote will only show .lpg images inline. But i still don't understand what's going on because:

  1. The source images are all .jpg format. The attached images in Notes are named "xxxxxx.jpg.webp". It looks like Evernote is appending the .webp extension. Why?
  2. If i right-click and rename the attached image by deleting ".webp" so they now end with ".jpg", nothing changes. Even if i restart Evernote and re-sync, the image is still an attachment, not viewed inline.
  3. This problem is consistent whether i view notes in the MacOS app or on Evernote Web. The behavior is identical whether i use webclipper through Opera, Chrome, or Safari.

Any ideas about how i can fix this? I'm annoyed that this problem seems to have started the moment that i paid for Evernote! I am clipping from the same websites that i used before, can't think of anything else i'm doing differently.

Thanks for your ideas!

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Here's an example URL

When i right-click on these images, they appear as .jpg files. If i inspect the address of the original image file, it is a .jpg file. But the resultant Evernote note seems to think the image is a .webp. I'm confused because i've been clipping recipes from this site for a while with no issues. I mean, maybe the site owner has restructured and changed all her image files? That just seems unlikely. Maybe i'm just misunderstanding what's going on, but i appreciate your taking a look.


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  • 1 month later...

This problem seems to be caused by Opera Turbo service that's trying to boost page load speed with different methods, one of which is converting highly compressed JPEGs to WebP automatically on the fly.

Here you can read about it: http://googlesystem.blogspot.ru/2011/04/opera-turbo-uses-webp-to-compress.html

Try to disable Opera Turbo in browser settings before using Web Clipper. Hope it helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yegor, thank you! I believe you have found my problem. Chrome also has a "data saver" feature and both that and Opera Turbo interfere with image clipping. I have gone back and forth between Opera, Chrome, and Safari, and i can get all of them to clip properly so long as their various data compression options are turned off. I'm so happy i can clip again!

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