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(Archived) Organization Questions

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I have a couple of questions regarding how to organize notes and notebooks.

Is there a way to move notes between notebooks in the Windows version? I can do it in the web browser version but I can't seem to find the option in Windows.

I've read where other people have done it using a search, but I can't find how to just find untagged notes. I keep thinking there should be a way to look for this under the attributes.

I see in the web version that notebooks can be set as public. Is there a way to set them as public using the Windows version? There also doesn't seem to be any menu options for notebooks in the main menu bar. I can right click as easy as the next person, but new people might find it confusing.

Sorry if I'm being blind. Thanks for the help.

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I've read where other people have done it using a search, but I can't find how to just find untagged notes. I keep thinking there should be a way to look for this under the attributes.

In the desktop version, you can create a new saved search with the query: -tag:*

tag:* would find any tag, hence -tag:* would find *no* tag.

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