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(Archived) Web Browser Display Is Too Small

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Is it me, or does anyone else find the display area in a web browser too small. I'm using a laptop so the screen is small to begin with, but it seems that there is a huge area at the top and bottom of the screen that is wasted.

It would also be very handy to be able to view a note in a new window or tab, similar to the way you can detach a note from the tape on the Windows program.

Just my $0.02.


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I want to support baumgarr. If I use my Samsung Q1 UMPC I have a native resolution of 800 x 480. It is a lot of space "wasted" with the header and footer of evernote.

On my personal Q1 I now have installed the desktop version of evernote beta, that's ok. But sometimes you can't install software... and don't want to use the very slim mobile-web-version.

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What browser are you using? Also, to be sure - this is full Web client, not the mobile version, right? (Mobile version is at http://preview.evernote.com/m)

I am using the full web client. I thought the mobile web client was designed more for a more hand held device like a phone. For regular entry and viewing the mobile web client isn't very useful (at least to me). :?


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