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Customize the available colors?

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  • Level 5

Yes, me too. Something like a simple color picker (not that I know how simple that is!) would be great; colors tend to be very subject to personal preferences, and the ones that come in v. 6 aren't my preferences.

But let me also say a big THANK YOU to the developers for offering the color-marking option in v. 6 at all! I find it a great tool for organizing and finding notebooks.

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On 5/13/2016 at 11:02 AM, Austin G said:

There is not currently a way to adjust the available notebook styling colors within Evernote. I recommend posting a feature request with more info on what you would like to see available in the product feedback section: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/224-windows-desktop-product-feedback/


Done.  Thanks for the recommendation.

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