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Webclipper creates garblked notes from LWN.net on both Chrome and IE for Windows


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I am getting garbled output (overlapping text, and can't edit it to clear ) when clipping pages from LWN.NET (for example trying to clip this: https://lwn.net/Articles/667059/) on both Chrome and IE (tough they are garbled in different ways). I tried Clippinhg as a Simplified article - yet new way to get it wrong.  (see below for a sample)

The result is not even easily edited into a clear form, as some items refuse to be moved out of the way ...

"simplify formatting" seems to help, but it loses a lot of the information I'd like to keep.

I am using Clipper , Chrome version 49.0. 2623 and IE11  on a windows 7/64 bit HP laptop.


Any help/advice?



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Hello Michael,

Thank you for posting. I was able to duplicated this with Chrome 49.0.2623, but as soon as it was updated to Chrome 50.0.2661 this clipping was rendered correctly without text being garbled. Do you see this after you update to the latests version of Chrome or IE11?



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  • 2 months later...

1. Yes, this still happens, despite Chrome now version Version 51.0.2704.106, and after moving to a new Laptop with Windows 10.

2. On a related note, A web-cli[pping that looks OK gets garbled ina similar fashion (overlapping text) when I try to so simple formatting.
   e.g. I clip this http://wangcong.org/2012/10/20/an-overview-of-openvswitch-implementation/ as an article, then try to formatg the 
  first C-Style data-structure as code using "Format/Style/Code Block' (ore even try to manually get the lines to have less of a spacing
  between the items inside the structure - I delete the white-space at the end of the line, then type a SHIFT-RETURN - 3rd line overlaps 4th
  or if I first create a single-line of all items and then tyoe RETURNS the items overlap the ending '};' ... 

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