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Anyone having issues with clipper 6.8 released April 13?


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  • Level 5*

The button does nothing. I've disabled it, re-enabled it, restarted chrome. Virtually every page I try to clip, including Gmail, I get:


The Clipper couldn't start on this page. Reload the page and try again. If that doesn't help, contact customer support.

The clipper works on this forum, but fails in Gmail, and this page.  It works on the Google home page too.


  • Level 5*
41 minutes ago, rubenb said:

However, Gmail and other pages worked fine. What Chrome version are you using?

49.0.2623.110 m

Thanks. I am consistently getting the same errors in Gmail. I just tried to clip a simple text email, no attachments or formatting, and same thing.

In checking settings, it updated to 50.0.2661.75 m. 

Now Gmail works, but the apps page I linked to above doesn't, so there is still something going on, though at least Gmail is working now for me.


I am getting this error in my Chrome   50.0.2661.75 m. 

It simply shows me "unknown error" . Go figure!

Any suggestions guys?

P.s. i have an account with you about 4 years and have never had this type of error. I can't log in from my extension but

my desktop version works as it should.


It seems like people already had this type an error in 2013


Logging in with email instead of username doesn't help either


4-15-2016 11-50-11 PM.png


Evernote Web Clipper started to fail clipping web content this morning. Quit and restart Chrome. Update Chrome to latest version. Evernote Web Clipper extension should be the latest version. 

Evernote webclipper version 6.8 (f50be2d/
Chrome version Version 50.0.2661.75 m

Error log: 

Select log file:     Follow Export Logs
08:53:02 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (WARN) /background.html: using deprecated createShardUserStoreClient
    at Oa (/js/main/Extension.js:4:2030)
    at b (/js/main/Extension.js:2:443)
    at Extension.ua [as start] (/js/main/Extension.js:2:29595)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/js/init.js:2:286
    at Object.I.execCb (/third_party/require/require.js:6:12300)
    at Object.B.check (/third_party/require/require.js:6:6850)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/third_party/require/require.js:6:8952)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:670
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:9310
09:09:34 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
09:09:34 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
09:10:01 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: http://www.upworthy.com/an-8-part-comic-for-people-who-say-im-sorry-too-oftenundefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
09:10:20 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
09:10:20 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
09:10:33 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (WARN) http://www.upworthy.com/an-8-part-comic-for-people-who-say-im-sorry-too-often?c=ufb4: Some frames seem stuck, continuing with what we've got.
    at b (/content/frame_loader.js:2:375)
09:10:33 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: http://www.upworthy.com/an-8-part-comic-for-people-who-say-im-sorry-too-oftenundefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
09:11:25 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (WARN) /background.html: using deprecated createShardUserStoreClient
    at Oa (/js/main/Extension.js:4:2030)
    at b (/js/main/Extension.js:2:443)
    at Extension.ua [as start] (/js/main/Extension.js:2:29595)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/js/init.js:2:286
    at Object.I.execCb (/third_party/require/require.js:6:12300)
    at Object.B.check (/third_party/require/require.js:6:6850)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/third_party/require/require.js:6:8952)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:670
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:9310
09:38:42 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (WARN) https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10208141462920281.1073741905.1412106940&type=3&uploaded=1: Couldn't initialize clearly custom detect
    at Object.H [as isCustomFormat] (eval at finishLoadingScript (/content/require/require-config.js:2:113), <anonymous>:2:9122)
    at Object.isSiteEligible (eval at finishLoadingScript (/content/require/require-config.js:2:113), <anonymous>:2:538)
    at b (/content/tooltips/custom_tooltip_check.js:2:93)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/content/tooltips/custom_tooltip_check.js:2:352
    at Object.I.execCb (/third_party/require/require.js:6:12300)
    at Object.B.check (/third_party/require/require.js:6:6850)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/third_party/require/require.js:6:8952)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:670
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:9310
11:06:12 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (WARN) https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10208141462920281.1073741905.1412106940&type=3&uploaded=1: Couldn't initialize clearly custom detect
    at Object.H [as isCustomFormat] (eval at finishLoadingScript (/content/require/require-config.js:2:113), <anonymous>:2:9122)
    at Object.isSiteEligible (eval at finishLoadingScript (/content/require/require-config.js:2:113), <anonymous>:2:538)
    at b (/content/tooltips/custom_tooltip_check.js:2:93)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/content/tooltips/custom_tooltip_check.js:2:352
    at Object.I.execCb (/third_party/require/require.js:6:12300)
    at Object.B.check (/third_party/require/require.js:6:6850)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/third_party/require/require.js:6:8952)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:670
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:9310
11:19:09 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:19:09 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:19:28 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: http://www.doctorslounge.com/humour/bloopers.htmundefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:19:59 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:19:59 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:21:01 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:21:01 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:21:04 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:21:04 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:21:19 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:21:19 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:21:23 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:21:23 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:21:34 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: http://www.doctorslounge.com/humour/bloopers.htmundefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:24:44 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:24:44 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:24:58 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: http://news.mingpao.com/pns/dailynews/web_tc/article/20160417/s00005/1460829921495undefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:27:44 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (WARN) /background.html: using deprecated createShardUserStoreClient
    at Oa (/js/main/Extension.js:4:2030)
    at b (/js/main/Extension.js:2:443)
    at Extension.ua [as start] (/js/main/Extension.js:2:29595)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/js/init.js:2:286
    at Object.I.execCb (/third_party/require/require.js:6:12300)
    at Object.B.check (/third_party/require/require.js:6:6850)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/third_party/require/require.js:6:8952)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:670
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:9310
11:28:16 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:28:16 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:28:30 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: http://shigematsu.org/?cat=31undefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:30:31 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (WARN) /background.html: using deprecated createShardUserStoreClient
    at Oa (/js/main/Extension.js:4:2030)
    at b (/js/main/Extension.js:2:443)
    at Extension.ua [as start] (/js/main/Extension.js:2:29595)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/js/init.js:2:286
    at Object.I.execCb (/third_party/require/require.js:6:12300)
    at Object.B.check (/third_party/require/require.js:6:6850)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/third_party/require/require.js:6:8952)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:670
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:9310
11:30:51 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:30:51 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:30:51 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: Error
    at g (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:2164)
    at Object.f.(anonymous function) [as cb] (/js/JsonQueue.js:2:687)
    at JSONRpcClient._async_handler (/third_party/jsonrpc.js:2:6094)
11:30:58 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: http://shigematsu.org/?cat=31undefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:32:03 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:32:03 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:32:06 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:32:06 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:34:08 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:34:08 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:34:10 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:34:10 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:34:33 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:34:33 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:34:35 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:34:35 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:35:27 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:35:27 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:35:29 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
11:35:29 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)


Please advise. Thank you. 




Same issue here on several PCs: Clipper on Chrome just spits out the error message mentioned above, even toggling the "allow access to file urls" doesn't make any difference.


I'm getting unable to save clip.Clipper version 6.8 (f50be2d/ in Chrome 50.0.2661.75 on Windows 7.  One thing I noticed is there isn't an option to change what Notebook to save the clip to.



Here is the crash dump

Select log file:     Follow Export Logs
07:46:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (WARN) /background.html: using deprecated createShardUserStoreClient
    at Oa (/js/main/Extension.js:4:2030)
    at b (/js/main/Extension.js:2:443)
    at Extension.ua [as start] (/js/main/Extension.js:2:29595)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/js/init.js:2:286
    at Object.I.execCb (/third_party/require/require.js:6:12300)
    at Object.B.check (/third_party/require/require.js:6:6850)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/third_party/require/require.js:6:8952)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:670
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:9310
10:19:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (WARN) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjEydLvvZjMAhXCSiYKHcVNDmUQFghSMAc&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdiscussions.apple.com%2Fthread%2F5806721%3Ftstart%3D0&usg=AFQjCNFIs1oPZ14IZZ5T61uKZIzNH2y-lQ: Couldn't initialize clearly custom detect
    at Object.H [as isCustomFormat] (eval at finishLoadingScript (/content/require/require-config.js:2:113), <anonymous>:2:9122)
    at Object.isSiteEligible (eval at finishLoadingScript (/content/require/require-config.js:2:113), <anonymous>:2:538)
    at b (/content/tooltips/custom_tooltip_check.js:2:93)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/content/tooltips/custom_tooltip_check.js:2:352
    at Object.I.execCb (/third_party/require/require.js:6:12300)
    at Object.B.check (/third_party/require/require.js:6:6850)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/third_party/require/require.js:6:8952)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:670
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:9310
10:41:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: Error
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/jsonrpc.js:2:3248
    at wa (/js/main/Extension.js:2:30035)
    at f (/js/main/Extension.js:2:20918)
    at Object.f.(anonymous function) [as cb] (/js/JsonQueue.js:2:687)
    at JSONRpcClient._async_handler (/third_party/jsonrpc.js:2:6094)
11:10:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (WARN) /background.html: using deprecated createShardUserStoreClient
    at Oa (/js/main/Extension.js:4:2030)
    at b (/js/main/Extension.js:2:443)
    at Extension.ua [as start] (/js/main/Extension.js:2:29595)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/js/init.js:2:286
    at Object.I.execCb (/third_party/require/require.js:6:12300)
    at Object.B.check (/third_party/require/require.js:6:6850)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/third_party/require/require.js:6:8952)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:670
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:9310
11:14:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (WARN) /background.html: using deprecated createShardUserStoreClient
    at Oa (/js/main/Extension.js:4:2030)
    at b (/js/main/Extension.js:2:443)
    at Extension.ua [as start] (/js/main/Extension.js:2:29595)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/js/init.js:2:286
    at Object.I.execCb (/third_party/require/require.js:6:12300)
    at Object.B.check (/third_party/require/require.js:6:6850)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/third_party/require/require.js:6:8952)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:670
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:9310
13:19:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:19:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:19:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/js/main/UsageMetrics.js:2:1848
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:19:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: http://gettingthingsdone.com/2016/04/the-secret-to-getting-things-done/undefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:20:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:20:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:20:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: http://gettingthingsdone.com/2016/04/the-secret-to-getting-things-done/undefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:20:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:20:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:20:20 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: http://gettingthingsdone.com/2016/04/the-secret-to-getting-things-done/undefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:21:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:21:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:21:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:21:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:21:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: http://gettingthingsdone.com/2016/04/the-secret-to-getting-things-done/undefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:21:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:21:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:21:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: http://gettingthingsdone.com/2016/04/the-secret-to-getting-things-done/undefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:21:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:21:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:25:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:25:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
13:25:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/95448-anyone-having-issues-with-clipper-68-released-april-13/undefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)


20 hours ago, Matt W. said:

Hello @rlobrecht,

Is this happening on every website you attempt to clip from or does this happen on just specific websites?

It's happening on every page I try- doesn't show notebook choice and then fails to save anything. Running latest versions of Chrome and Evernote on Mac OSX v10.11.4


07:28:19 GMT-0700 (PDT) (WARN) https://workplaceservices110.fidelity.com/Catalina/LongBeach?Command=Transfer_To_RT&Realm=netbenefits&DestinationURI=https%253A%252F%252Foltx.fidelity.com%252Fftgw%252Ffbc%252Fofaccounts%252FAccountAndTrade%253FTXN_NAME%253Dwebx.positions.brokerage%2526ACCOUNT%253D651398497: Couldn't initialize clearly custom detect
    at Object.H [as isCustomFormat] (eval at finishLoadingScript (/content/require/require-config.js:2:113), <anonymous>:2:9122)
    at Object.isSiteEligible (eval at finishLoadingScript (/content/require/require-config.js:2:113), <anonymous>:2:538)
    at b (/content/tooltips/custom_tooltip_check.js:2:93)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/content/tooltips/custom_tooltip_check.js:2:352
    at Object.I.execCb (/third_party/require/require.js:6:12300)
    at Object.B.check (/third_party/require/require.js:6:6850)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/third_party/require/require.js:6:8952)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:670
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:9310
07:28:20 GMT-0700 (PDT) (WARN) https://oltx.fidelity.com/ftgw/fbc/ofaccounts/AccountAndTrade?TXN_NAME=webx.positions.brokerage&ACCOUNT=651398497: Couldn't initialize clearly custom detect
    at Object.H [as isCustomFormat] (eval at finishLoadingScript (/content/require/require-config.js:2:113), <anonymous>:2:9122)
    at Object.isSiteEligible (eval at finishLoadingScript (/content/require/require-config.js:2:113), <anonymous>:2:538)
    at b (/content/tooltips/custom_tooltip_check.js:2:93)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/content/tooltips/custom_tooltip_check.js:2:352
    at Object.I.execCb (/third_party/require/require.js:6:12300)
    at Object.B.check (/third_party/require/require.js:6:6850)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/third_party/require/require.js:6:8952)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:670
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:9310
07:29:35 GMT-0700 (PDT) (WARN) https://scs.fidelity.com/customeronly/portfolio.shtml: Couldn't initialize clearly custom detect
    at Object.H [as isCustomFormat] (eval at finishLoadingScript (/content/require/require-config.js:2:113), <anonymous>:2:9122)
    at Object.isSiteEligible (eval at finishLoadingScript (/content/require/require-config.js:2:113), <anonymous>:2:538)
    at b (/content/tooltips/custom_tooltip_check.js:2:93)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/content/tooltips/custom_tooltip_check.js:2:352
    at Object.I.execCb (/third_party/require/require.js:6:12300)
    at Object.B.check (/third_party/require/require.js:6:6850)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/third_party/require/require.js:6:8952)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:670
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:9310
07:38:31 GMT-0700 (PDT) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
07:38:31 GMT-0700 (PDT) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
07:38:31 GMT-0700 (PDT) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/js/main/UsageMetrics.js:2:1848
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
07:41:31 GMT-0700 (PDT) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
07:41:31 GMT-0700 (PDT) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
07:41:48 GMT-0700 (PDT) (ERROR) /background.html: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/95448-anyone-having-issues-with-clipper-68-released-april-13/undefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)

Hi @clrcrx,

Let's first try disabling the other extensions in Chrome, while keeping the Evernote Web Clipper enabled, to see if it could be a conflicting extension that is causing this. If you still encounter this, please let me know.


Hi Matt W., 

Take your advice and set Evenote web clipper as the only extension. Still the same

  1. Notebook categories not seen
  2. Save and then crash

Crash report:

08:55:03 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (WARN) /background.html: using deprecated createShardUserStoreClient
    at Oa (/js/main/Extension.js:4:2030)
    at b (/js/main/Extension.js:2:443)
    at Extension.ua [as start] (/js/main/Extension.js:2:29595)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/js/init.js:2:286
    at Object.I.execCb (/third_party/require/require.js:6:12300)
    at Object.B.check (/third_party/require/require.js:6:6850)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/third_party/require/require.js:6:8952)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:670
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:9310
08:55:29 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
08:55:29 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
08:58:49 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
08:58:49 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object ProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
08:58:58 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (WARN) http://www.jwatch.org/na41063/2016/04/21/herd-effect-raises-clostridium-difficile-risk?query=etoc_jwgenmed&jwd=000012606443&jspc=PD: Some frames seem stuck, continuing with what we've got.
    at b (/content/frame_loader.js:2:375)
08:58:59 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: http://www.jwatch.org/na41063/2016/04/21/herd-effect-raises-clostridium-difficile-riskundefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)

I have no idea what version of Web Clipper I have, but I'm having the same issues. All I get is Crash Reports, no matter what website I'm on. Been happening for a few days now. 


09:32:49 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (LOG) /background.html: Went online. at /js/main/Extension.js:4:3866
12:22:39 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (LOG) /background.html: Went offline. at /js/main/Extension.js:4:3792
12:22:51 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (LOG) /background.html: Went online. at /js/main/Extension.js:4:3866
13:36:20 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (LOG) /background.html: Went offline. at /js/main/Extension.js:4:3792
13:36:48 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (LOG) /background.html: Went online. at /js/main/Extension.js:4:3866
14:00:36 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (WARN) /background.html: chrome tabs query did not return a result while changing window focus
    at Object.callback (/js/main/Extension.js:2:7343)
    at safeCallbackApply (extensions::sendRequest:21:15)
    at handleResponse (extensions::sendRequest:72:7)
15:33:10 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (LOG) /background.html: Went offline. at /js/main/Extension.js:4:3792
15:33:12 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (LOG) /background.html: Went online. at /js/main/Extension.js:4:3866
15:38:49 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (WARN) https://evernote.com/: Couldn't initialize clearly custom detect
    at Object.H [as isCustomFormat] (eval at finishLoadingScript (/content/require/require-config.js:2:113), <anonymous>:2:9122)
    at Object.isSiteEligible (eval at finishLoadingScript (/content/require/require-config.js:2:113), <anonymous>:2:538)
    at b (/content/tooltips/custom_tooltip_check.js:2:93)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/content/tooltips/custom_tooltip_check.js:2:352
    at Object.I.execCb (/third_party/require/require.js:6:12300)
    at Object.B.check (/third_party/require/require.js:6:6850)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/third_party/require/require.js:6:8952)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:670
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:9310
16:39:15 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (LOG) /background.html: Went offline. at /js/main/Extension.js:4:3792
17:06:36 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (LOG) /background.html: Went online. at /js/main/Extension.js:4:3866
17:21:59 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
17:21:59 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
17:22:01 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/js/main/UsageMetrics.js:2:1848
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
17:22:06 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/21/us/project-vic-child-abuse/index.htmlundefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
17:29:07 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
17:29:07 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
17:29:18 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time) (ERROR) /background.html: http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/21/us/project-vic-child-abuse/index.htmlundefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)

I've been having this problem for several days as well. I'm using Evernote Web clipper version 6.8 (f50be2d/ in Chrome Version 50.0.2661.94 m (Windows 10).

Here's the crash log:

00:22:50 GMT+0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
00:22:50 GMT+0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
00:22:51 GMT+0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time) (WARN) /background.html: using deprecated createShardUserStoreClient
    at Extension.Oa [as createShardUserStoreClient] (/js/main/Extension.js:4:2030)
    at q (/js/main/Auth.js:2:8503)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/js/main/Auth.js:2:9519
    at p (/js/main/Auth.js:2:8463)
    at v (/js/main/Auth.js:2:9503)
    at Object.k [as cb] (/js/main/UsageMetrics.js:2:1935)
    at JSONRpcClient._async_handler (/third_party/jsonrpc.js:2:6094)
00:22:51 GMT+0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/js/main/UsageMetrics.js:2:1848
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
00:22:57 GMT+0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
00:22:57 GMT+0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: [object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent]
    at n (/js/main/SidebarBackground.js:2:5681)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)
00:24:01 GMT+0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time) (WARN) https://www.google.fr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjRt9XXr7LMAhXrKMAKHcM1DHkQFggdMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdiscussion.evernote.com%2Ftopic%2F95448-anyone-having-issues-with-clipper-68-released-april-13%2F&usg=AFQjCNEXbvUumVbhJXOIckIuCl6JROyPvA: Couldn't initialize clearly custom detect
    at Object.H [as isCustomFormat] (eval at finishLoadingScript (/content/require/require-config.js:2:113), <anonymous>:2:9122)
    at Object.isSiteEligible (eval at finishLoadingScript (/content/require/require-config.js:2:113), <anonymous>:2:538)
    at b (/content/tooltips/custom_tooltip_check.js:2:93)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/content/tooltips/custom_tooltip_check.js:2:352
    at Object.I.execCb (/third_party/require/require.js:6:12300)
    at Object.B.check (/third_party/require/require.js:6:6850)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/third_party/require/require.js:6:8952)
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:670
    at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/third_party/require/require.js:6:9310
00:26:32 GMT+0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time) (ERROR) /background.html: https://hbr.org/2016/04/teams-who-share-personal-stories-are-more-effectiveundefined{"isTrusted":true}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.g.onerror (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7250)

To fix the problem, our developers would be grateful to get more information. 

Can you please share contents of the clipper console? It can be opened this way: 
- Open Chrome settings -> extensions 
- Check 'Developer mode' checkbox.
- Find Evernote Web Clipper in the list of your extensions, and press 'Inspect views: background.html' link. It will open in a new window.
- Select console tab, then switch to the main browser, try to clip something.
- Send me a private message with the console contents when you encounter an error.

Many thanks for your help.


ArrayBuffer is deprecated in XMLHttpRequest.send(). Use ArrayBufferView instead. thrift-binary.js:2
/background.html: http://www.ciao.fr/EDAMUserException{"errorCode":11,"parameter":"Element type \"parsererror\" must be declared."}
    at i (/js/main/Submitter.js:2:2602)
    at null.<anonymous> (/thrift/thrift-binary.js:2:7211) 

Eventhough this is what I want to clip


Logging out and logging in doesn't solve it

Version 34.0.1847.116 Ubuntu 13.10 (260972)


13 hours ago, rubenb said:

To fix the problem, our developers would be grateful to get more information. 

Can you please share contents of the clipper console? It can be opened this way: 
- Open Chrome settings -> extensions 
- Check 'Developer mode' checkbox.
- Find Evernote Web Clipper in the list of your extensions, and press 'Inspect views: background.html' link. It will open in a new window.
- Select console tab, then switch to the main browser, try to clip something.
- Send me a private message with the console contents when you encounter an error.

Many thanks for your help.

Can't send you PM 

here's my console log

Event Logs.html



Thank you all for sending the logs and letting me know about logout/login. Very helpful.


Hi Ruben, 

I've sent you a message with the console contents. Logging in and out did not resolve the problem for me.


On 4/30/2016 at 8:29 PM, mvalcour said:

Hi Ruben, 

I've sent you a message with the console contents. Logging in and out did not resolve the problem for me.


Got your message, many thanks. We hope to have fix soon.

On 4/29/2016 at 11:57 AM, rubenb said:

And: Does logging out and then login back in solve the issue? Thank you.

Doesn't help me


The following way works for me to remedy the situation:

  • Delete the extension from Chrome (Setting -> Extension -> Evernote Web Clipper -> Trash can (Remove from Chrome ...)
  • Install the Evernote Web Clipper extension again.

Please see if this helps in your cases. 


20 hours ago, GarethSan said:

The following way works for me to remedy the situation:

  • Delete the extension from Chrome (Setting -> Extension -> Evernote Web Clipper -> Trash can (Remove from Chrome ...)
  • Install the Evernote Web Clipper extension again.

Please see if this helps in your cases. 


This actually has worked for me, thank you. I thought of just deleting it and reinstalling it quite a few times, but assumed that the fix couldn't be that easy otherwise someone else would have suggested it before now. So much for that :) Thanks for posting, GarethSan, you've saved me a lot of copying and pasting!


To fix this crash, we published 6.8.1 about an hour ago. 

Let me know how it works for you.

  • 1 month later...

Yes, I'm having the same issue on intermittent Chrome web pages, for about a week, on various devices.  I get the 'The clipper couldn't start on this page...Reload…’ error.  Sometimes it still works to do the clipping anyway, sometimes the error msg comes after the clipping has started or completed.  Usually, everything starts slowing down in Chrome afterwards (but then eventually recovers), and recently, my page froze completely (couldn’t scroll), so I had to restart Chrome via another window I already had open on my Chromebook.  Sometimes I think if I wait 5 or 10 min, it would complete the task, but I have things to do!  I’ve tried reloading the page once or twice, but I don’t think that helps – it’s not an issue with the page.


I just tried clipping this forum page, and it seemed to take forever to clip it (15-20 sec, or longer...?), and just as it was finally showing the ‘Clipped’ msg with the checkmark, the ‘clipper couldn’t start...reload’ msg appeared.  The clip appeared correctly saved in my EN acct.


I just tried clipping a CNN news page, and the clipping progress circle was still going around for about a minute when I switched to this text editor to write this up, because, although I could move the cursor, I couldn’t scroll the page anymore.  When I came back to the page, after about a min and a half, or 2 min, it was just completing, and at the same time, it gave me the “couldn’t start” msg.  I have a high speed connection, and am on Wi-Fi.  EN usually takes 5-10 sec to clip a page, on any device.


I have Evernote Web Clipper version 6.9 (e979351/,

And for my Chromebook,

Chrome OS Version 51.0.2704.79 (64-bit)

Platform 8172.47.0 (Official Build) stable-channel peppy

Firmware Google_Peppy.4389.93.0 .


As I said, I seem to be getting this error in every device I’m using:  Win 7, Win 10, Android… all with updated OS, as far as i know.


Note:  I’m don’t have the time to take hours going over and rechecking everything I’ve written with a fine-tooth comb as I usually do, but this report is generally correct, as I remember it.  I’m spending my time going over and rechecking all the continuing flood of other issues I keep getting on my computers! I hope you can fix this soon – I really love Evernote and make use of it a lot...


Hi @deardavid. Thanks for the bug report. I'm not able to reproduce the problem. 
Could it be related to the network, i.e. do all computers share the same internet connection?


Hello, thanks for your support every time.

I"m having the same issue. 

I have Evernote Web Clipper version 6.9 (e979351/,
MacBook Pro(Retina,15-inch,Mid 2015),
OS: OS X El Caption 10.11.5,
Browser:Chrome OS Version 51.0.2704.106 (64-bit)

Thank you.

On 7/7/2016 at 5:01 AM, Endoh said:

I"m having the same issue. 

I have Evernote Web Clipper version 6.9 (e979351/,
MacBook Pro(Retina,15-inch,Mid 2015),
OS: OS X El Caption 10.11.5,
Browser:Chrome OS Version 51.0.2704.106 (64-bit)


By having the same issue, does it mean you get the "The clipper couldn't start on this page..." dialog?
Would love to reproduce, is there anything that reliably  triggers the dialog such a specific web page?



Hello, thanks for your response.


I'm sorry my explanation was insufficient.

"The same issue" mean that although the clipper opened dialog, but displayed the message dialog "The Clipper couldn't start on this page. Reload the page and try again. If that doesn't help, contact customer support." after the page data was clipped.


I discovered that this issue happened when the keyboard shortcut checkbox was checked.

(After the checkbox key borad shortcut is disable, then the page once reload (important), try once more again, message dialog did not display.)

Sorry, this is already reported. (It was discover important to reload once for me. )





On 2016/7/8 at 9:14 PM, rubenb said:

By having the same issue, does it mean you get the "The clipper couldn't start on this page..." dialog?
Would love to reproduce, is there anything that reliably  triggers the dialog such a specific web page?


Unfortunately, when I clip this page, the issue occurred, too.




On 7/1/2016 at 11:34 AM, rubenb said:

Hi @deardavid. Thanks for the bug report. I'm not able to reproduce the problem. 
Could it be related to the network, i.e. do all computers share the same internet connection?

Your reply to my comment: "Yes, I'm having the same issue on intermittent web pages, for about the last week.  I get the..."


Dear Ruben,

  Thanks for your prompt reply.  I didn't notice it till a few days ago, and then my A/C broke... Yes, they all have the same high speed internet connection, but I don't think that was the problem --  the browsers load most pages without delay or error.  I followed a previous poster's suggestion to stop using the "`" keyboard shortcut, and use the rt-click context menu instead, and that seems to solve the problem.  Sometimes using the context menu clipping function seems to correct it for future shortcut clips, but only temporarily.  Perhaps you can still find out why the shortcut key is causing the problem.  Thank you. David


@Endoh Thanks for clarifying and describing the workaround. There's a very similar report in forums:

I'd love to reproduce the issue: Thanks for letting me know if you find anything else.

10 hours ago, deardavid said:

he browsers load most pages without delay or error.  I followed a previous poster's suggestion to stop using the "`" keyboard shortcut, and use the rt-click context menu instead, and that seems to solve the problem.  Sometimes using the context menu clipping function seems to correct it for future shortcut clips, but only temporarily.  Perhaps you can still find out why the shortcut key is causing the problem.  Thank you. David


Ok, we'll check the keyboard shortcut clipping problem.

  • 3 months later...

I am having the same problem with the "Evernote web clipper could not load on this page"


Has a fix been released?

  • 2 weeks later...

I have been having the issue with "clipper unable to start on this page" on my home computer (Win 10, latest Chrome, and latest Web Clipper) and on my work computer (Win 8.1, latest Chrome and latest Web Clipper).


When will this be fixed?


I'm also having this "Clipper Couldn't Start On This Page..." error.  See screenshot.  It was happening on every web page I tried, then I uninstalled and reinstalled the clipper and now I can clip some web pages, but not others.  Here's a link to one that fails:  http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/f/containers/all/

I"m using Clipper  Version 6.10.1 and Chrome Version 49.0.2623.112 m

I tried getting Console information as you suggested earlier in the thread, but when I went to the browser tab, tried to clip a web page and got the error window, nothing was entered into the console window.





I have this problem as well in chrome (In Windows 10 & Ubuntu). It give out the error and when I reload the page, it will work just fine. However I need to reload the page every single time and this become really annoying.


Same problem here since several days. I use Chrome 54.0.2840.99 m and webclipper 6.10.1 (35f63f9/ on a Windows10 desktop.


Same problem  "The clipper couldn't start on this page..." dialog

Happens on some pages and not on others. When it does not work seems to be related to how long since I reloaded the page. If I reload and click immediately it often works, If I wait 5 minutes it does not. Wondering if some kind of memory leak is going on in the clipper code.

I tried the workarounds

  • uninstall clipper and reinstall
  • reload page (this sometimes works, not always)
  • unchecked keyboard shortcuts (it was turned off when I reinstalled 6.10 clipper)
  • have latest clipper and Chrome

I've been trying to troubleshoot this problem a bit and see if I can see a pattern of when/why the "The clipper couldn't start on this page..." error box comes up, but there are many factors to test.  Since Evernote isn't troubleshooting the problem, maybe people in the community/forum can do some testing and post their results.  Here are some things to consider:

  1. When I right-click on a page to get the context menu, then I can clip bookmark, full page or screenshot.  Unfortunately, the one I use 99% of the time is "Simplified Article" and that's not on the context menu clipper.
  2. Why does the clipper work when it's initiated from the context menu, but not when it's started from the Chrome Clipper icon at the top of the browser window?
  3. I got the error on a page, changed my clipper option/Default Clip Action to something other than "Last Used Action", then I could clip that page.  But is there some other factor (time? domain?, etc) involved?
  4. Does merely opening the dynamic Clipper Options window reset something? We know that changes in the options are auto-saved, so does opening it save a cache? reset a memory array? clear a buffer?
  5. At one point, I was able to clip a page that previously gave me the error, but only after I successfully clipped another site page.
  6. Can you successfully clip for a certain period of time before you start getting the error message again?
  7. If you don't get the erro box on a page, can you then clip any page on that same domain without the error box?
  8. Does the clipper cache domain names?
  9. Does it have anything to do with the Option Setting you have for "Default Clip Action" ??

Some troubleshooting factors/variables to consider:

  • Time on a page
  • Time on the domain
  • Reloading a page
  • Can/Cannot clip pages on the whole domain/site
  • Clipper Options - Default Clip Action
  • Clipping works/not work on other websites, once you successfully clipped on another site (but only for a period of time?)

You'll want to clear your cache in between tests.  Here's a shortcut to your chrome "browser clearing page" chrome://settings/clearBrowserData 





The clipper works when I right click and use the context menu, but not when I use a shortcut or click the icon. 


@pnewcomb  Does your context menu allow you to clip a Simplified Article?  My doesn't.  It only allows full-page, bookmark or screenshot.  What version of clipper are you using?


So I've done a little more testing/troubleshooting.  For me, the problem only occurs on new/additional tabs opened beyond the first/main browser window tab.  However, if I reload/refresh one of the additional browser tabs, then I can clip to that tab as well.  Even if I refresh, then jump to another web page inside that additional tab, I am still able to clip the subsequent web pages loaded into that tab.

Again, I never seem to have a problem on the first/original tab of the browser, but I'll keep watching that and post if it occurs.

Regardless of the workaround of reloading a tab, it's still a pain in the butt to have to reload every new browser tab you want to clip from.


I have the same problems that snowrider refers to. I've tested the interaction with other chrome extensions as best as possible, but I can't find a pattern.  As others have also noted, the context menu works, toolbar activation does not reliably except for reload (which works most of the time but not every time). 


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