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Search by tags does not work

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When I search for notes by tags, either by writing the tag name in the search window or by clicking on the tag in the tag list some tags give the result "Sorry no notes to display" and it seems to me that the number of "non-responsive" tags is increasing...

The notes are in the database, and I can find them by searching for words which occur in the note or title, but not by searching for the tags When I do find the note the tags are visible in the tag field. In some cases I can find the note using some other tag in the tag list but sometimes all the tags in the note are "non-responsive". Thus if a note has the tags "one" "three" and "seven" and "seven" is the tag which cannot be used, in some cases I will find the note by searching for the other tags associated with the note but in some all the tags do note work..

This ONLY happens on my Windows desktop application on my PC with Windows 10. the Web application and the Android app work fine, the tags also work on the Windows touch app.

I am using the Evernote Windows desktop application build public 

Can any body help???

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