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Evernote Shortcuts Chrome extension - Tinkerers, let's do this!

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Just came across a very new addition to the Chrome Store:

 Evernote Shortcuts for the New Web client


  • Did some tinkering (on Windows) and found that the Shortcuts that are working make the extension well worth its salt. Personally for me, the shortcut (F) which toggles a note full-screen. Then there's other shortcuts which focus on a note's tag, notebook, etc, etc.
  • For those who are into keyboard shortcuts (and the new Web client), this extension greatly reduces/ eliminates mouse travel. 
  • I reached out to Gorka on Twitter and quickly got the following:


  • Nice to see that he is already on top of things. So I thought I'd kick start a thread for him here and save him having to promote his extension in the Evernote forum.
  • Go and take a look at this extension and do some tinkering. You'll be impressed with version 1. Reach out to him on Twitter and give him some encouragement: @geguileo
  • Here's his write-up on his site



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Thank you very much for kick-starting the thread.  :)

I've just uploaded version 0.1.1 which fixes a couple of bugs, and it should become visible shortly.

I hadn't thought about porting this to Firefox since I mostly use Chrome, but I'll have a look at the requirements for Firefox extensions are and what it would take me to make the code work on both browsers.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Level 5*

@Frank.dg subtle, as usual... :)

@geguileo welcome to the forums.  I'm a Foxer too - would be nice to have an add-in,  but I guess it makes sense to develop for one platform and port a more finished product..  I'll just stay over here in the corner and whimper quietly from time to time... ^_^

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