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Note classification issue

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Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to permanently change the way my notes are classified. I am currently doing this by clicking the small icon near the notebook name, going into "classify notes by" and clicking "Created" which is how I want them to be classified. Everytime I restart the app, however, I find the configuration has returned to what it was previously, which makes the app classify all notes by "Last updated".

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Hi Vitruvia, Are you on mobile, web or desktop? If on the desktop client, have you tried sorting by Created and then closing the app out (not shutting the computer down and having it open at startup)?

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, Vitruvia said:

Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to permanently change the way my notes are classified.

When you say "classified", do you mean sorted

As @Frank.dg said, my experience is this is retained from the last time you shut down Evernote; really shut down, not just close the window.

I use the top list view - it provides easy sort changes.

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2 horas atrás, Frank.dg disse:

Hi Vitruvia, Are you on mobile, web or desktop? If on the desktop client, have you tried sorting by Created and then closing the app out (not shutting the computer down and having it open at startup)?

Hi, thank you very much for this suggestion. I tried it, and it worked!

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