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Problem with web Evernotes

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Hi all, I have searched but cannot find this already mentioned. Both my wife and I have Evernotes installed on our computers. The desktop versions work great. On hers, when she goes on the web (Chrome) she can pull up all of her notes just fine. When I go to the web version of Evernotes with (Chrome) mine show the categories in the left pane, the notes in the center pane but when I click on a note nothing comes up in the right pane.

I have tried it in IE and everything works fine. It used to work in (Chrome) but not now. Any help is greatly appreciated. CC

Snap 2016-01-25 at 11.49.51.png

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**SOLVED** Finally after a ton of researching, I have been able to figure this out. Installed in my Chrome as an "Extension" I have Tampermonkey. In that I have a script to change the color of visited links to a bright red. This script evidently went bad because as soon as I removed the script, Evernotes started acting like normal.

If anyone else is having this Evernotes problem and you have Tampermonkey installed as an extension just try disabling it and see if that fixes the problem, if it does then it is one of the scripts that you have in Tampermonkey. 

Hope this helps, CC

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