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Evernote formatting is buggy and terrible... is it just me?

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On 4/3/2018 at 12:16 AM, gazumped said:

I won't rehearse the usual alternatives here,  but clearly if you need a feature that Evernote can't deliver yet,  then the obvious step is to use another application that can do what you want.  There is a bunch of work-arounds for Evernote,  the easiest of which seems to be to use an word processor that does support the layout you need,  attach the saved WP file to a note,  and open it on screen in Presentation mode to see the full glory of the formatted content. 

Evernote will always be watching its bottom line,  and if it decides the only way to gain/ keep customers is to enhance the editor features,  the work will get a priority.  Until then my guess is that while they would dearly love it to be possible,  there's so much other work to keep the show on the road that editor enhancements - which require some serious under-the-hood messing around - will be low priority.  They may also be waiting for other, equally well-supported features to come online.

Evernote is in the process of releasing 'Spaces' forinstance which seems to answer various requests for folder hierarchies,  pinned notes and bulk sharing of notebooks...  (Evernote Business first,  then the other apps later,  they've said...)

How to share multiple notes and notebooks using spaces

We are not talking about "editor enhancements".  We are talking about basic formatting that works with version x and becomes broken with version x+1 and stays broken with versions x+2, x+3, x+4 ... there is no serious under-the-hood messing around when existing functionality becomes broken.  Apparent (at least to me) that very little QA happens before a new version is released.  QA for new versions is as simple as a check list of line items of all existing Evernote functionality and each line item is tested and confirmed as "still functional" or confirmed as "not functional".  I mean how hard is it ?

Look at the formatting in the attachments below.  Screen capture 'before' with formatting OK:


Click on a different note, then click back to the original note, formatting now stuffed per screen capture 'after'.


I actually submitted this as a bug, it was acknowledged, the ticket CLOSED with advice the developers had been notified (who closes a ticket without it being resolved?) and 2 versions later the problem remains.  

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I have the same bug report as @KymC open with Evernote support now.

The formatting regression errors in Evernote for Windows is making Evernote unusable.

I do not recommend Evernote for new users until it is resolved.

I am close to stopping to use Evernote for any new projects and use Google Docs.

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10 hours ago, KymC said:

We are not talking about "editor enhancements".

Hi.  No,  we're not.  I didn't say this should be a feature request,  nor did I suggest it wasn't a bug.  All I'm saying is that Evernote clearly can't do what you want for the moment,  for whatever reason.  If you need to get some work done,  you have a choice of waiting an unspecified time until things get fixed,  or using a (fairly easy) work-around.  Entirely your choice.

7 hours ago, cswilly said:

I am close to stopping to use Evernote for any new projects and use Google Docs.

If that best suits your needs,  then of course it makes sense to do so.  I think you may be throwing the baby out with the bathwater,  since GDocs doesn't have the same (working) features as Evernote,  and it's quite easy to link (or attach?) a GDocs file to a note so you can take advantage of both.  But again - your choice.

In a perfect world,  every app should deal with all my needs.  Over here in the real world,  I'm still using Windows and even after 26 years it's only just keeping up...

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21 minutes ago, gazumped said:

If that best suits your needs,  then of course it makes sense to do so.  I think you may be throwing the baby out with the bathwater,  since GDocs doesn't have the same (working) features as Evernote,  and it's quite easy to link (or attach?) a GDocs file to a note so you can take advantage of both.  But again - your choice.


I have a lot invested in Evernote with 10K notes and using it every hour of every day as part of my work process. Moving to GDocs is exactly what I DO NOT want to do.

Moving to GDocs is not my choice, but if Evernote keeps making editing notes more and more unusable I will have to do something.


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7 minutes ago, cswilly said:

Moving to GDocs is exactly what I DO NOT want to do.

I'm a fan of external editors.

I don't know much about GDocs; can they be attached to a note?
I've always been a Word/Pages and Excel/Numbers user.

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cswilly: Microsoft OneNote has a nifty import tool.

gazumped: You insult us when you say, "In a perfect world,  every app should deal with all my needs."  Text editing is the most basic of all features. The fact that Evernote does not adequately  support this, never really has, is a huge deificiency on their part. We heavy users may be stuck with Evernote,  but no new user should ever start with Evernote. 

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gazumped: Evernote in the latter part of 2017 had a number of functional text formatting features and copy/cut & paste worked fine.  Then an update version was released that rendered the text formatting features and copy/cut & paste not 100% functional.  Fine ... these things happen, albeit rarely if there is any sort of QA system to confirm functionality of existing features BEFORE an update is rushed out the door.  The remediation of long-standing existing features that have been compromised by an upgrade should be addressed with highest priority.  Instead, we have seen 2-3 version updates in 2018 and the core functionality issues with those existing features remains.  An Evernote acknowledged bug should NEVER be closed until it is resolved - passing a verified bug to developers is NOT resolving the problem.  This is cottage industry stuff from a multi-national company with a capitalisation figure that must be in the  billions with development muscle to match.

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7 hours ago, aflewis said:

cswilly: Microsoft OneNote has a nifty import tool.

Unless it's changed from 2 years ago, it ain't all that nifty. It really made an unusable mess of my notes database. It wasn't even close.

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jefito - yes, I bounced off OneNote a couple of years ago, and was unimpressed. But the shortcomings have improved. Webclipper is now as robust as evernote, iPad pen support much better integrated and usable. I had very good experience with the OneNote importer tool (windows version). There is one problem with the importer tool that may have affected you: importer does not import notebooks, rather it imports all notes into an inbox. That can create a mess. The workaround is to import one notebook at a time, then create new notebook in OneNote and drag new notes into it. A bit laborious, but only have to do it one time... not everyday with evernote text formatting.

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Below is Evernote's support's feedback for my reporting of note formatting bugs. I guess it is wait-and-see now. 


The issue you're experiencing is one that our development team is currently aware of and are hoping to correct within the next update. In the meantime, my recommendation would be to continue using Evernote Web as a workaround. Your indentations should remain in the proper format when viewing them in the Windows application if you've created them within Evernote Web.

My workaround is to only use bullets for formatting paragraphs and not mix plain indent paragraphs and bullet paragraphs.

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  • 3 months later...

Pick your poison... Be patient... Don't expect too much... Wait an unspecified amount of time... Foibles and bugs in Evernote's editor are as old as Evernote's editor. The core engine itself may be tied to capital formation or proprietary requirements. There must be an explanation, because firms do not hold onto junk for so many years, they fix things earnestly and early, but this isn't so for the wickedly frustrating editor at the center of Evernote's user experience and customer satisfaction metrics. There is no legit explanation after so many years of fallow bugs. No excuse. No editor I can name is lousy and seldom corrected. Many many of us are as glad to use Evernote as day one, and we enjoy Evernote's growth and success, yet buggering plain text ASCII gets old,  humorously shamefully old, and feeling sad about the hiccups is legitimate. Sad is a word that can't be explained away.  Years go by... in sadness. 

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Sick of zero customer service for really basic formatting bugs ... spent about 4 weeks moving 6 years worth of daily notes to OneNote.

FYI OneNote not perfect either but bullet points and indents at least work. 

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I actually came to the help page to talk to the developers about the formatting bugs, but to my surprise, I have to pay to be a member to talk to them, which is the most asinine thing I've ever heard of in my life. Like, I'm using your product; I should be able to talk to you about how your product isn't working correctly. I've been using Evernote since 2013, but I am ready to make a switch if these issues aren't fixed. 

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9 hours ago, brianhayes said:

Pick your poison... Be patient... Don't expect too much...

For me it's a not a poison choice, more like picking the right tool for the job.
The Evernote editor is ok for basic notes, but it's not the tool for serious work.

You  need some dedicated editor apps in your toolchest.

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19 hours ago, DTLow said:

The Evernote editor is ok for basic notes, but it's not the tool for serious work..

But with Evernote Business and Work chat they do a pretty good job at suggesting that Evernote is a tool for serious work (or at least aims to be).. 

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1 hour ago, gustavgi said:

But with Evernote Business and Work chat they do a pretty good job at suggesting that Evernote is a tool for serious work (or at least aims to be).. 

Yes, I read the same suggestions; and if the Evernote editor is working for you - Go for it
For me, the editor is not adequate beyond basic notes; bugs, limitations, ...
Also, it's not just a personal decision; the business standard seems to be MS Word/Excel

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As long term Evernote user, My resentment toward this company is  that fact that the pained and frustrated requests from its user community have been ignored for well-over ten years. Why do they provide basic text editing at a standard well below that set in the 1990's on Mac and Windows? Its not because of coding requirements; they are after greater profits, ie, less coders for basic feature support. This is why I switched to OneNote from Microsoft. For text editing, OneNote is like a dream come true. Pen support is amazing. And, OneNotes' quirks get addressed quickly.


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On 8/19/2018 at 5:46 AM, NicoLove said:

I actually came to the help page to talk to the developers about the formatting bugs, but to my surprise, I have to pay to be a member to talk to them, which is the most asinine thing I've ever heard of in my life. Like, I'm using your product; I should be able to talk to you about how your product isn't working correctly. I've been using Evernote since 2013, but I am ready to make a switch if these issues aren't fixed. 

Not sure what "help page" you're looking at.  Evernote has provided these forums for all users to post comments.

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8 hours ago, DTLow said:

Mot sure what "help page" you're looking at.  Evernote has provided these forums for all users to post comments.

You misunderstand completely. My goal was to reach out to the Evernote team via the Help link to complain about the editing bugs. However, all I found was the option to chat about my issues, just like everyone else, in this forum. Connecting with the Evernote team is not an option unless I am a paid member. And after looking at the comments here, the team hasn't been much help to anyone, member or nonmember. 

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6 minutes ago, NicoLove said:

You misunderstand completely. 

I understand you have complaints.
I understand Evernote has provided a forum for users to post their complaints.

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8 hours ago, NicoLove said:

You misunderstand completely. My goal was to reach out to the Evernote team via the Help link to complain about the editing bugs. However, all I found was the option to chat about my issues, just like everyone else, in this forum. Connecting with the Evernote team is not an option unless I am a paid member. And after looking at the comments here, the team hasn't been much help to anyone, member or nonmember. 

I know exactly what you mean @NicoLove not that it makes the slightest bit of difference. I am paid up and did submit a bug (about 9 months ago) on the formatting issue, Evernote acknowledged the bug, advised it had been sent to Developers AND THEN CLOSED THE TICKET. Don’t worry about the smart arse comments from @DTLow or the defensive Evernote fanboy @gazumped

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4 hours ago, KymC said:

I am paid up and did submit a bug (about 9 months ago) on the formatting issue, Evernote acknowledged the bug, advised it had been sent to Developers AND THEN CLOSED THE TICKET.

Knowing there are issues,  and having the time to develop and release comprehensive fixes for all of them (especially with such a generic problem as the whole editor being buggy) are two separate things.  There are thousands of feature requests and ongoing bug reports.  Keeping all of them active just buries the support team in administration.  In submitting a ticket you did exactly the right thing to register your issues.  It will have been noted.  Whether Evernote choose to do anything about them is up to the company...

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5 hours ago, KymC said:

Evernote acknowledged the bug, advised it had been sent to Developers AND THEN CLOSED THE TICKET

As I understand it, the customer ticket gets closed because they don't provide a means for contacting the customer when (or if) the issue is resolved. The CS rep has done their job, in other words, so they close the CS ticket. Beyond that, there's almost certainly an internal ticket for the problem (either a new one, or an existing one -- they do get duplicate reports of problems, after all), and that's prioritized and handled internally. We don't have access to those ticket or their numbers.

As far as DTLow and gazumped are concerned, they've helped hundreds, if not thousands of Evernote users use Evernote better. We could use more so-called "fanboys" like that around here. ANy volunteers?

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On 8/19/2018 at 8:46 AM, NicoLove said:

I actually came to the help page to talk to the developers about the formatting bugs, but to my surprise, I have to pay to be a member to talk to them, which is the most asinine thing I've ever heard of in my life. Like, I'm using your product; I should be able to talk to you about how your product isn't working correctly. I've been using Evernote since 2013, but I am ready to make a switch if these issues aren't fixed. 


On 8/20/2018 at 6:50 PM, NicoLove said:

You misunderstand completely. My goal was to reach out to the Evernote team via the Help link to complain about the editing bugs. However, all I found was the option to chat about my issues, just like everyone else, in this forum. Connecting with the Evernote team is not an option unless I am a paid member. And after looking at the comments here, the team hasn't been much help to anyone, member or nonmember. 

Like, you're using their product for free. It was not free for them to develop it. It is not free for them to maintain it, or to take and respond to bug reports. It's great that Evernote offers a somewhat limited version of its service for free; but it seems reasonable to me that that version is in fact somewhat limited. Would I feel wronged if my free lunch was bland and didn't offer a Complaints window? Probably; guess I'm "just like everyone else" too.

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  • 2 months later...

I am using evernote on mac, and I noticed the formatting issues seemed to really kick in when they released dark mode support for mac. It's seriously frustrating now. I make changes to formating, leave the note and when I come back it has reverted back to old formatting, and forget copy and pasting a newly formatted item from one note to another that reverts everything back to formatting that was in place before dark mode support release.

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On 11/20/2018 at 12:44 PM, jerimy said:

I am using evernote on mac, and I noticed the formatting issues seemed to really kick in when they released dark mode support for mac.

This is a WIndows-specific subforum. You should post issues relating to the Evernote for Mac product here: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/219-evernote-for-mac/

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  • 7 months later...

I am having serious problems with EN "auto" formatting pastes and not being able to get the info into plain text

Could someone be so kind as to point me towards a tutorial or simple guide to controlling formatting

the available stuff is just seriously TL;DR

sorry to be dense , but there  wouldn't be so much to plough through if it was being concise and easy to find

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4 minutes ago, Lowdown said:

the available stuff is just seriously TL;DR

What available references are you referring to?

6 minutes ago, Lowdown said:

I am having serious problems with EN "auto" formatting pastes and not being able to get the info into plain text

What, specifically, are the problems that you're having?

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pasting creates formats I cannot find ways to control. spent a lot of time trying to find a fix

degrades utility of the program, bigly

paste gets me: bolding, buttons, margins line spacing and other detracting cr%p

seems to be no way to remove it and "help" is a swamp, a rats nest of posts so DR unless I am looking for pain

I would be happy to paste without formatting and the program wants to "help" in distinctly unhelpful ways

such that every-time I am drawn to use the program, I feel chased away by this "feature" and find no reason to upgrade something that annoys this way

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The EN editor is basic, and sensitive to formatting that comes with text and other stuff copied into it.

My "solution": Do not try to get a nice formatting done, take it as it is, use basic formatting only. Copy as text, whenever possible.

If you want a nice layout, take the information to another program.

P.S. Getting the editor improved and unified over devices is a top priority of EN for this year.

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This has been an Evernote problem since 2006, at least when I started using Evernote. Last year, and only because of this ridiculous text formatting problem, I moved to Microsoft OneNote which has simply awesome formatting and drawing tools. Overall OneNote lacks all of the elegance of Evernote, but at least it's improving all the time. I am no fan of Microsoft, but happy I made the switch.

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Good for you. If formatting is high on your agenda, it is wise to pick a tool that is better suited for this.

IMHO there is nothing like good or bad software, there is only good or bad matches between your demands / use case and the tools you pick.

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Thanks cal and PinkElephant

That helped. Avoiding formatting is fine and removing was vexing me.

Sorry to vent frustration , but I had gone down too many rabbit holes trying to find that fix.

I am happy with simpler , so many programs are getting feature creep that begin to eclipse the need for robust functionality mostly  with features that few need.

I wish EN had a Less expensive buy in/upgrade, like the discontinued ENPlus

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About pricing, I think we all agree that the step from basic to Premium is pretty steep.

The video about the new editor shows some interesting aspects EN is currently working on. For me, it is more important formatting options will be unified over devices and OSes, than to beat a DTP program on it’s own turf.

And I would like to have markdown capability included ...

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

About pricing, I think we all agree that the step from basic to Premium is pretty steep.

Well.... Yes, the step from 0 to US$70 is pretty steep. But $70/year for what Evernote Premium provides has never seemed high to me, if one is using Evernote in a professional context. For purely personal record keeping, yes, it might be a bit much--almost the cost of a cup of coffee per week! Honestly, I pay almost 3 times that much per month to each of my internet/TV and mobile phone service providers. Maybe I'm overpaying there. But the cost for Evernote Premium is trivial in comparison to other technology expenses that are generally considered reasonable, IMHO.

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56 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

For purely personal record keeping, yes, it might be a bit much--almost the cost of a cup of coffee per week!

Heh -- my coffee bill is *way* higher than my Evernote bill! And that's not even counting when I go out to a coffee show, once or twice a week... :) 

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13 minutes ago, jefito said:

Heh -- my coffee bill is *way* higher than my Evernote bill! And that's not even counting when I go out to a coffee show, once or twice a week... :) 

I hate to pounce on autocorrect, but ... coffee show? You have coffee shows where you live? That would create a very excited tourist industry. :D

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10 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

coffee show?

OK, OK, coffee shop. Some of the fancier places do "cuppings", which I guess is kind of a coffee show, but that's much more refined than I need to be. Just give me my double espresso, and I'm good.

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2 hours ago, jefito said:

OK, OK, coffee shop. Some of the fancier places do "cuppings", which I guess is kind of a coffee show, but that's much more refined than I need to be. Just give me my double espresso, and I'm good.

Wait, what?!?  I'm struggling with the whole concept of "a coffee shop in Maine" (your neck of the woods if I remember correctly).  You better not be including Dunkin Donuts in that comment 😀

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20 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

I'm struggling with the whole concept of "a coffee shop in Maine" (your neck of the woods if I remember correctly).

Good memory: you are correct on the location, but  a little out of date. Up here in "Northern Massachusetts" (as our former governor snarkily used to refer to the southern region of Maine), we are a recognized foodie mecca: really good restaurants (e.g. https://nypost.com/2018/08/07/this-city-was-named-top-food-destination-in-the-country/, and associated beverages, including coffee and craft beer (you can barely walk down the street without stumbling into a new brewery). Local coffee shops are good, some sorta snooty, otherwise neighborhood-friendly. I don't go to Dunkin' Donuts for coffee, or anything else, for that matter, not when Holy Donut is around, anyway.

Life is good!

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On 7/12/2019 at 2:21 PM, jefito said:

(you can barely walk down the street without stumbling into a new brewery)

Or stumbling out I suppose?

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5 hours ago, CalS said:

Or stumbling out I suppose?

Me? Fortunately not. I'm pretty tame -- I'd guess I average about one beer a week, certainly no more than 2, plus the occasional glass of wine. I do try to make it a good beer., though

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Try the Belgian beer then, the little brands. The monasteries there used to brew their own, and this made a tradition of good, strong stuff in many variations - long before this got reinvented and called „craft“.

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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Try the Belgian beer then, the little brands. The monasteries there used to brew their own, and this made a tradition of good, strong stuff in many variations - long before this got reinvented and called „craft“.

I prefer to stay mainly to local breweries; I'd never be able to drink all of the brands of good beers in the world at the rate I imbibe. There's one local brewery that brews a variety of "Belgian-inspired" beers, some authentic, some adaptations (their stout is a particular favorite). They are very good, and won a James Beard award recently. They're one of a couple of "goto" breweries in the area, if I see them on the menu, vs. the larger number of less well-known local brands.

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Sour Monkey, my new favorite summer beer.  I'm not usually a fan of sour beers.  This one is more tart to my taste than sour and very refreshing on a hot day.

What was this topic about again?  I remember now ... no matter how bad you think the editor may be, this beer packs enough of a punch that you won't care.

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Oh what the hey...  After a long and intensive analysis of the available products on the market (a hard job,  but someone had to do it) I eventually found the one clear winner for my specific circumstances.  That was (and continues to be,  until I find something better) Wychwood King Goblin er,  Evernote.  Honeshtly ossifer.

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14 hours ago, gazumped said:

I eventually found the one clear winner for my specific circumstances.  That was (and continues to be,  until I find something better) Wychwood King Goblin

Hmmm, I have a trip across the pond coming up.  I'll have to look that one up.

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14 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

I'll have to look that one up.

It is freely available,  but do be warned that one (500ml) bottle is never enough,  and two go down very smoothly...  but unless you have a outstandingly quiet day planned afterwards,  stop at two.  The after-effects seem to be  on a logarithmic scale...  ;)

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11 minutes ago, gazumped said:

It is freely available,  but do be warned that one (500ml) bottle is never enough,  and two go down very smoothly...  but unless you have a outstandingly quiet day planned afterwards,  stop at two.  The after-effects seem to be  on a logarithmic scale...  ;)

Warning duly noted, but since this is for a vacation and not work, will likely be ignored 🙂

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  • 3 weeks later...

No wonder the formatting issue is so bad and Evernote.

You guys are all sloshed and drifting.  Makes  forum help yet another dysutility.

For personal use 30 bucks a year would be fair, 20 bucks would be done it in a heartbeat.       I would be happy to upgrade for real utility/less frustration

What is fair for a multiuser business program is irrelevant to me. Actually tells me to go away, look elsewhere.

Evernote has utility but it needs to have proportion costs

how much you spend a year on bicycle chains, beer and coffee is irrelevant

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13 minutes ago, Lowdown said:

For personal use 30 bucks a year would be fair, 20 bucks would be done it in a heartbeat... Evernote has utility but it needs to have proportion costs

If you're talking about the Evernote editor, there is no charge.  

You can download the app from the Evernote site or application stores; or access using the web.

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1 hour ago, Lowdown said:

You guys are all sloshed and drifting.  Makes  forum help yet another dysutility.

Sorry for the topic drift; it happens sometimes. We are all volunteers, not Evernote employees, and we can't fix Evernote. We often are able to help other folks to use Evernote better; If you want better forum help, then feel free to pitch in.

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... and those who decide to volunteer sometimes even have some fun doing so. "Sloshed and drifting" is under circumstances not the worst state to be in.

But sorry, I deviate. What were we asked to discuss - ah, yes, the editor.

Everybody who is here for free can have an opinion. But he should accept that EN focusses on those users who pay, and keep the show going. I for my part am waiting for the release of that editor shown in one of the 2019 videos. It looked promising enough, and seems to solve a number of issues posted in this thread.

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  • 2 months later...

nov 2019... came here to complain... formatting still buggy (specifically losing tabbing & bullet/number indentations)

i currently have a page that doesn't seem to want to save what i'm writing... 

i'd pay for this service if it worked.  anyone switch to something else that works?

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1 hour ago, nytennisaddict@hotmail.com said:

nov 2019... came here to complain... formatting still buggy (specifically losing tabbing & bullet/number indentations)

i currently have a page that doesn't seem to want to save what i'm writing... 

i'd pay for this service if it worked.  anyone switch to something else that works?

And you also went here to complain:

At least that one is in the right place, the Web client forum. This one is for the Windows desktop client. Different client, different capabilities, different issues.

And I would bet you your first month's subscription price that you would not in fact pay to upgrade even if the thing were bug-free. Why pay when you could use bug-free software for free?

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4 hours ago, nytennisaddict@hotmail.com said:

i currently have a page that doesn't seem to want to save what i'm writing... 

Did you try duplicating the note, or copying content to a new note? 

Invisible bugs are a pain, I'll give you that, but of all the different types of bugs, the ones that can be located and fixed by creating a new note, are the easiest to deal with. 

The Ctrl-Help menu can often preserve the old note, but in my experience a fresh new note is best.

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