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Organizing Notes within a Notebook

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  • Level 5*

I'm a little confused by the question. You can order notes by note creation date, last edited date, note title, notebook, tags, sync status, size as well as several other attributes. All of those are ascending or descending, as you wish.

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But there's no way to manually re-arrange the order of the notes to however I see fit. In other words, if I create a new note today, and would like that note to be listed next to other notes of similar subject (that were created months ago maybe), i don't see a way to do that without creating a special numbering system for my notebook sub-catagories and prefixing all my notes with the proper number.

You mentioned ordering by tag - Maybe that would work if I came up with tags for my "sub categories" within a given notebook....I'll give that a shot. Thanks.





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  • Level 5*

Ah, you must be new to EN. Yes, tags are the solution to your problem. Embrace tags to get the most out of EN. Many 'power users' have only a handful of notebooks because tags are much more flexible.

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  • Level 5*
On 1/23/2016 at 7:57 AM, cmace said:

Does anybody know if there's a way to manually re-order notes within an Evernote notebook? My understanding is that this is not possible, and I'm struggling to believe this is true.

Sorry, but it's true, you cannot manually order notes.  You can change the sort order, but that is not the same thing.

However, you can manually (drag/drop) order Reminders.  So if you create Reminders (without a date) for the notes you want at the top, then you can reorder these.  Reminders appear at the top of the Note list.

I know this is not exactly what you want, but it is the best we can do now with Evernote.

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You can sort notes by the creation date and then change the creation date for specific notes. You can use future creation dates to pin notes to the top of your note list. I do this with scheduling and assignment notes in a class and club shared notebook.


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