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Chromebook Native App Font Size

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I have been slowly trying to move over to using a Chromebook for most of my work. I find the font size on the Chromebook native app to be too small to read most of the time. This is a port of the android app into the Chromebook right? Any chance we will get a preference to set font size? I know I can zoom the Chromebook or change the resolution of the screen but that is not what I am looking for.




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  • Level 5*

Hi.  We're a user forum,  and Evernote rarely comment on their ongoing projects,  so your best bet is to raise this as a feature request for the time being and find a workaround until something gets released.  (You might want to add in that most other OS's have an individual forum,  but not yet Chrome!)

Under workarounds,  you could add changing the default font size to be more readable,  but that won't affect existing notes,  just new ones.  For the legacy entries you'd need to resize blocks of text to your new standard - something you might be able to automate with an AHK-style app in some cases.

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