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Left Panel Default State

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When I open Evernote in Windows, the tags list in the left panel opens with certain nested tags expanded and certain nested tags collapsed. It's as if there was a point in the past that I had the nested tags list in that state and then it was saved as the default state. Now when I change the state of nested tags and close Evernote it will not reopen in the same state, it always defaults to the older state. Is there a way to have Evernote open with the nested tags in the same state as when I closed Evernote? I've tried closing Evernote with File->Exit and with the Windows 'X', but no luck with it remembering the previous state.

Thank you for any help you can offer.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Evernote remembers some settings if you File > Exit and then restart,  but those settings become the new default until the next time you File > Exit the app.  If that's not working for you I don't have any alternatives - sorry.  :mellow:

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  • 4 weeks later...


I had the same problem but have figured out a workaround.  Thought I'd share it with the world:

To control the default state of the nested tags on the left panel:

  • Navigate to View > Left Panel > Show Tags and make sure that it unticked (so the tags disappear from the left panel)
  • Navigate to View > Tags to look at the tags in the main window
  • Expand or collapse the nested tags to the default you want
  • File > Exit (note, must be this - not clicking the X in the top right of the window
  • Reopen Evernote
  • Navigate to View > Left Panel > Show Tags and set it to be ticked
  • Tags should appear in the left panel in the default state you want

Hope that works for you!



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