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Is this search possible?

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I have been unable to figure out how to create this search and can use some help. Basically I just need to AND with a group of ORs. 


So: Give me all notes w/ tag 1 AND any of the following: tag2, tag3, tag4, or tag5.


Is this possible?


(tag1) AND (tag2 OR tag3 OR tag4 OR tag5). 


So the following notes should be returned:


1. tag1, tag3, tag4


2. tag1, tag5


3. tag1, tag2, tag3


Notes with only these tags should NOT be returned:


4. tag2, tag3


5. tag4


6. tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5



Makes sense? Thanks for the help!

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  • Level 5

Is this possible?


(tag1) AND (tag2 OR tag3 OR tag4 OR tag5). 


As JMichael pointed out, Evernote cannot do an AND + OR search together.

The link he supplied gives a lot of information on the subject.


Here is how I would attack this issue - not pretty, but it works.

Keep in mind that: 

* Creating a tag for many notes at one time is easy

* Deleting a tag is even easier




1.) I would search for all notes that have the 2,3,4, or 5 tags: 

any: tag:tag2 tag:tag3 tag:tag4 tag:tag5

2.) Then assign a temporary tag to all the found notes


3.) Finally, search for the two tags to find the notes I want

tag:tag1 tag:master_tag_2345


The master_tag_2345 could then be deleted with just a few keystrokes (or keep it for future use)

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Thanks to both of you for the quick responses.

The workaround you provided does work really well if I just want a view or report.

My trouble with having to do this is I am constantly changing and updating mt tags. I do a task system that combines location, priority, and people.

The query is the equivalent of "work tasks with priority above 3". I then sort my priorities so that I have a work flow of tasks to do. If I then have a flight and I have one or two of those tasks that I want to work on or research on the plane, I'll change the tag or add the tag plane. I'll add new tags based upon people I've assigned work to, etc.

My system has been working awesome but it usually involves a couple manual steps like you mentioned for my complex queries. I do the same thing when I interview people to maintain numerical rankings of candidates based on job position.

Workaround I have been using is to create notebooks representing the tags. I try to remember to place those tags in the correct workbook, so all work tasks go in a work notebook and all project management interview synopsis go in a project manager notebook.

Sometimes I forget or misplace the notes and have to reassign by doing a tag search. Overall it works just not optimum.

Thanks again!

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  • Level 5*

The query is the equivalent of "work tasks with priority above 3". I then sort my priorities so that I have a work flow of tasks to do. If I then have a flight and I have one or two of those tasks that I want to work on or research on the plane, I'll change the tag or add the tag plane. I'll add new tags based upon people I've assigned work to, etc.


You might want to take a look at IQTell.com.  It provides far superior project, task, and action management than Evernote, yet it tightly integrates with Evernote notes.

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