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New Evernote for Windows 5.9.6 GA

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A new version of Evernote for Windows is available. You can download it here.


We've put a lot of effort into improving our note editing experience in this release. Hope you enjoy!



  • Images can be resized directly inside of your notes. Click an image and drag the handle in the bottom right corner to resize.
  • Visual call-outs indicate notes that aren't syncing. These notes will be marked with a red icon in the top-right corner of the note snippet.
  • Added keyboard shortcuts to make your workflow faster. Here's the complete list (don't forget to hit the spacebar to start a numbered or bulleted list):
    • Start a numbered list: "1. "
    • Start a bulleted list: "* "
    • Create an unchecked checkbox: "[]" or "[ ]"
    • Create a checked checkbox: "[x]"
    • Add a horizontal rule: "***" or "---"
    • Create a table with 3 columns: "[][][]"
    • Create a table with 4 columns and 2 rows: "[][][][]x2"


  • Improved paste handling
  • Tables pasted from MS Word retain their formatting when edited
  • Pasted images no longer break
  • URLs that include an "&" in the hyperlink didn't used to work. Now they do.
  • There was a bug that caused some titles and tags to be lost during sync. We squashed it.
  • Resizing the app window and the left panel no longer cause visual issues
  • Improved performance when switching between notes
  • Various Outlook Clipper bugs including:
    • Attachments were being included even if none were selected
    • Sometimes only email headers were being clipped from Outlook 2013
    • Notebook sorting issues
    • Issues clipping calendar items

  • 1 security fix -- learn more at https://evernote.com/security/updates/#win
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  • Level 5*

Lots of nice things - thanks!  Only downside - Outlook Clipper still only does one. Email. At. A. Time. 


My use case is Zero inbox stuff - going through the inbox,  I Act on an email / Pass it on to someone else / Bin it if I don't otherwise need it (the spam filter catches most of those) / File it if it relates to an ongoing inquiry or project,  but doesn't need other action. 


Act / Pass / Bin / File.  I can zoom through my inbox pretty quickly,  and -one of these days- it'll be completely cleared out.  It used to be the case that I could leave the Filing 'till last,  and just select all emails that were left,  hit 'clip to Evernote' and let nature take its course on maybe 20 emails.


Now I have to file each email individually,  and it takes a finite amount of time to do that before I can move on to the next item.  It adds 30 minutes to my mail check process and raises my frustration levels dangerously high.  Yes,  I have tried forwarding emails,  copying and pasting / dragging and dropping / and none of it helps.


Please add the multiple emails option back into the Outlook clipper as soon as you can. 


If that's not going to happen,  please can we have some more detail why not? 


I'd like to know whether I need to find a different way to handle my mail storage,  because this just ain't cutting it!

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Lots of nice things - thanks!  Only downside - Outlook Clipper still only does one. Email. At. A. Time. 


My use case is Zero inbox stuff - going through the inbox,  I Act on an email / Pass it on to someone else / Bin it if I don't otherwise need it (the spam filter catches most of those) / File it if it relates to an ongoing inquiry or project,  but doesn't need other action. 


Act / Pass / Bin / File.  I can zoom through my inbox pretty quickly,  and -one of these days- it'll be completely cleared out.  It used to be the case that I could leave the Filing 'till last,  and just select all emails that were left,  hit 'clip to Evernote' and let nature take its course on maybe 20 emails.


Now I have to file each email individually,  and it takes a finite amount of time to do that before I can move on to the next item.  It adds 30 minutes to my mail check process and raises my frustration levels dangerously high.  Yes,  I have tried forwarding emails,  copying and pasting / dragging and dropping / and none of it helps.


Please add the multiple emails option back into the Outlook clipper as soon as you can. 


If that's not going to happen,  please can we have some more detail why not? 


I'd like to know whether I need to find a different way to handle my mail storage,  because this just ain't cutting it!


Thanks for the feedback. This is in the works :) 

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  • Level 5


  • Images can be resized directly inside of your notes. Click an image and drag the handle in the bottom right corner to resize.
That does not seem to work in my Windows 10 version with Evernote (277380) Pubic
1.) When I click an image, a light blue line surrounds the image and two un-named icons appear in the upper left corner (see image). There are no handles in the bottom right. Also hovering the mouse over the two icons in the upper left corner has no impact.
The two icons that have no description are:
@ icon opens a window for annotating
eyeball icon opens a window for photo editing
2.) And the Evernote icon added to the Taskbar (see image) is a non-descript white icon. It used to be more obvious - I believe it was a much more noticeable green elephant logo.


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  • Level 5*



  • Images can be resized directly inside of your notes. Click an image and drag the handle in the bottom right corner to resize.
There are no handles in the bottom right. Also hovering the mouse over the two icons in the upper left corner has no impact.


I haven't tried this version yet, but in the prior beta image resize is not obvious either.  Cursor over the bottom right corner of the blue box and your cursor should change from an arrow to the resize double headed arrow.  There is dot at that corner intersection.

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  • Level 5



I pulled out my hand-held magnifying glass and can see the dot.

I would never have seen it without your guidance. Thank you.


To Justin Street:

There is no way I would call it a "handle".

I think Evernote should use a more appropriate description: micro-dot.


Also, the two un-named icons appear automatically when I hover over the image.

The micro-dot only appears IF I click on the image.

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Is it possible to make the table keyboard shortcuts more consistent please?

Something like this:


Create a table with 1 columns and 1 row:  "[]x1"

Create a table with 1 columns and 4 rows: "[]x4"


As far as I tested, this seems not to be possible in this release.


Thanks, Eric

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Is it possible to make the table keyboard shortcuts more consistent please?

Something like this:


Create a table with 1 columns and 1 row:  "[]x1"

Create a table with 1 columns and 4 rows: "[]x4"


As far as I tested, this seems not to be possible in this release.


Thanks, Eric


Thanks, Eric.  That's an interesting suggestion.  Right now, the table shortcut is specifically looking for multiple [][] in a row so they don't collide with the checkbox shortcut... but now that you mention it, your examples are a logical extension of the syntax and not currently supported.  I'll send this over to our devs to look at.  Thanks for the feedback!

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  • Evernote Expert

This release is terrible for me. I was using the previous beta, and it was probably the coolest Editing experience in a while, then i update to the actual Public Release, and this app keeps crashing and crashing. 


I need to wait 2 minutes for the App to settle down, else it crashes..


Opening the Image annotation opens up the dreaded EvernoteNodeKit bug which was there some time ago.. The Nodekit warning just keeps on coming again and again, even if i close the EvernoteNodekit.exe -- Totally unusable.. Seriously donno what went wrong.. 

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  • Level 5*

I'm experiencing a lot of serious tag sync problems for the first time, between Windows desktop clients all using 5.9.5. All newly created tags within a note syncs so that it shows up on the client on the other PC, but it has lost it's connection to the note. Therefore I have several tags on one PC with no notes attached, and the same tags on the PC where they were created, with the right note attached..


I've been using three separate machines on different network, trying all three as the creator of the tags and the bug seems consistent.


This type of data loss is unfortunate.

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  • Level 5*

If I go back to the original note and make some edit to the text, the tags sync to the other computer as it should. So the root seems to have some connection to creating a new tag within an existing note, without doing any changes to the note body text since the last sync.


Ticket # 1324029

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  • Level 5*

Since it seems only these pinned threads get responded to by Evernote staff, let me mention here that the bug discussed at the link below is still present in v5.9.5




Double posts are normally not a good idea,  but thanks for posting a link to the other thread...

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The image resizing feature is great, thanks.


I was wondering, could you add a theme support for the app, or even juste some minor background color changes to differenciate the elements of the screen (like the darker left panel on the mac os app). It would be more functionnal, more agreable and less tiring for the eyes (pure white background everywhere all the day is terrible).

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(Win 7) Got the update and I have some problems:


1. links don't work (had some problems on some older updates, but not on the one I was working) (links do not open in any browser)

2. links not recognised on typing, just on paste

3. Not seem to have an Hyperlink button

4. the new icon design is really nice, but the editing text icons are too small.

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Will Evernote fix the issue whereby when you cut a few lines of text (or a few lines of bullet points) and paste them elsewhere in the note, after pasting the text the blinking input cursor is usually somewhere unexpected. It should be at the end of the last line of text that was pasted.

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The non-optional keyboard shortcuts have stopped me from using the new version. I have always used a triple dash to internally separate sections of notes. The triple dash is visually distinct and easy to spot.


Now of course, that becomes a useless solid line which I have to delete. For the moment, I've been forced to revert to an earlier version and disable updating. That's not much of a solution.

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  • Level 5

My solution avoids reverting to an earlier version.  

To avoid the solid horizontal line, I just add a space between each dash.

It is still visually distinct and easy to spot.



 - - -

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The keyboards shortcuts are great for me, but you could use Libreoffice's one for dashes :

two - (and a space) for a – and three (and a space) for a —.

*** Are good for a line, or 4 or more hyphen (-)


Another one that is really useful is -> to (very useful for note-taking !), but there are plenty of others (for roman numbers in small caps, exponent...). (and an option to deactivate them ?)


But it's a great addition, continue on this way, improving the note editor (the core of Evernote) both for real text formatting and quick and easy (productive) note-taking !

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  • Level 5
When I enlarge a note (for better visibility) by double clicking on the title in the Note List panel, my mouse usually moves over the body of the note. That triggers the two blue icons to appear. I cannot get them to go away. 


In this example, I want to add the date to the title, but the date of the image is hidden by the two blue icons. I don't want to edit the image (screen capture) but that is the only way I can view the date.



using Windows (277380) Public

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Installed (277494) Public today on a Win7 machine. Not bad so far, but not problem free.


The tables are getting more useful and the image resizing is great, though I do agree that the handle is pretty hard to see.


My issues come down to visual format. There is more spacing everywhere on the toolbars, around the icons, the left panel, list panel and note panel. There is far too much padding inside the table cells. I want maximum note content, which is now space that is being taken up by toolbars and cell padding.


For example, I have a list of shortcuts and notebooks that requires scrolling to see in it's entirety, even when the window is at max. I'm currently seeing about 10 fewer lines with the new spacing and that left panel has to be at least an inch wider to see almost the full titles. I also use the highlighter a lot and that is now the first button off the note screen.


I'd like to suggest that we have a couple overall style options that would alter the icon size, padding and line spacing. Maybe standard, compact and compressed or just the first two.

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I still can't insert a table into another table, so frustrating.. I was hoping this might be fixed. I'm still using the old 'solid black' tables created many updates ago, Evernote devs seem to be neglecting the data still inside these cells. There is still some conflict between the old tables and the new.

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Will Evernote ever note the fact that it cannot link to a Windows file or folder by simply dragging the file or folder into a note? This is a blaring shortcoming in an otherwise incredibly useful tool.

Are you looking for a link to a file not saved in the Evernote Database? I'm not sure why it would do that, since that would be outside its file structure. I'm able to drag various files into the EN window. Not sure if you can drag in a folder, but I don't think I've ever tried. I find that I save more files into EN and skip the usual folder structure of the computer itself. Windows search capability has been slower than molasses since Win7, at least in my networked environment.

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Will Evernote ever note the fact that it cannot link to a Windows file or folder by simply dragging the file or folder into a note? This is a blaring shortcoming in an otherwise incredibly useful tool.

Are you looking for a link to a file not saved in the Evernote Database? I'm not sure why it would do that, since that would be outside its file structure. I'm able to drag various files into the EN window. Not sure if you can drag in a folder, but I don't think I've ever tried. I find that I save more files into EN and skip the usual folder structure of the computer itself. Windows search capability has been slower than molasses since Win7, at least in my networked environment.


For many good reasons, we must maintain our Windows file/folder structure. Evernote should link to outside files and folders just like it can link to an URL. It is possible, but cumbersome - you create a shortcut to the folder or file in Windows, then drag the shortcut into Evernote. We should be able to drag a file or folder directly into Evernote and get the option to copy or link it upon dropping. If we link it, we should get a link in blue just like when we drag&drop an URL. As it is, we get a box with file name, date and time that takes up three times the room it needs to.

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Will Evernote ever note the fact that it cannot link to a Windows file or folder by simply dragging the file or folder into a note? This is a blaring shortcoming in an otherwise incredibly useful tool.

Are you looking for a link to a file not saved in the Evernote Database? I'm not sure why it would do that, since that would be outside its file structure. I'm able to drag various files into the EN window. Not sure if you can drag in a folder, but I don't think I've ever tried. I find that I save more files into EN and skip the usual folder structure of the computer itself. Windows search capability has been slower than molasses since Win7, at least in my networked environment.

For many good reasons, we must maintain our Windows file/folder structure. Evernote should link to outside files and folders just like it can link to an URL. It is possible, but cumbersome - you create a shortcut to the folder or file in Windows, then drag the shortcut into Evernote. We should be able to drag a file or folder directly into Evernote and get the option to copy or link it upon dropping. If we link it, we should get a link in blue just like when we drag&drop an URL. As it is, we get a box with file name, date and time that takes up three times the room it needs to.

I hadn't thought of doing it that way. I just tried it and it works, but it does give a box instead of a text link.


I like having many docs in EN directly so that I can access them on my phone as well. I would think EN wouldn't be able to access files that are actually on your computer via some other platform if you use your shortcut method. Granted, you might not use multiple platforms.


My other concern would be out of program backups. It's probably not something everyone does, but if you wanted to backup your EN database and the associated folder where attached documents are stored, you have to fully exit EN by logging off and stop the processes for the EN system tray and web clipper. Backup programs will pass over in-use files.

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  • Level 5*
 ... but if you wanted to backup your EN database and the associated folder where attached documents are stored, you have to fully exit EN by logging off and stop the processes for the EN system tray and web clipper. Backup programs will pass over in-use files.


A couple of comments.  Any files that are stored in EN are contained within the main .exb file.  You do not need to backup the attachments folder.  That is for temporary use when you open files within EN.  In EN Windows, all the database content is stored in the one .exb file. 


Concerning backup of EN while in use, many backup programs use volume shadow copy which does allow that ... fyi.

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Will Evernote ever note the fact that it cannot link to a Windows file or folder by simply dragging the file or folder into a note? This is a blaring shortcoming in an otherwise incredibly useful tool.


I realize these links will not work if you open the note on a different platform. But if we're willing to accept that caveat then why not give us this very useful functionality.


Here's how I would envision it working. Drag a file or folder into a note, upon dropping it we get a pop-up menu that says "Copy" or "Hyperlink". If we choose Copy then do the normal thing, if we choose Hyperlink then give us a hyperlink like C:\Myfolder\MyFile  


Please do not respond to this message unless you are an Evernote employee. No offense, but the well intended suggestions get off-topic very quickly.

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I faced a very annoying bug with the new version on windows. Not sure if the exact steps would reproduce it but here's what I did


1) Downloaded a PDF copy from Google Docs Spreadsheets. It was in landscape mode

2) Dragged the PDF to the Evernote and it worked as expected

3) But after that for any note that I added, the note preview pane remained stuck on the Google spreadsheet.

4) Double clicking on the note also didn't show the PDF file. The note info does show an attachment. The note list pane itself shows the preview thumbnail correctly

5) The attachment also didn't appear on Android evernote 


I deleted the google spreadsheet note and all notes created after it, restarted the machine and Evernote is back to normal

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Great work Evernote team on the new shortcuts to start lists and so on.


Probably what I like best about the implementation is that it is consistent with Outlook (Word).


Including that, if you don't want the automatic adjustment, it is a simple Ctrl-Z to revert to the original text as typed.
Again, the same as in Outlook/Word.


Nice job.

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Win 7: I'm having problems with the Sync icon after installing the new update.  Sync seems to work OK according to the activity log, but the icon in the toolbar always shows the red exclamation mark. Anyone else having this issue?

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Issue with Firewall Authentication.


Since upgrading to 5.9.6, I have continuing issues Authenticating through our Corporate Firewall.

In frustration I have rolled back to v5.9.1 which has no such issue. Any ideas on how this may be fixed?

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  • Level 5*

Issue with Firewall Authentication.


Since upgrading to 5.9.6, I have continuing issues Authenticating through our Corporate Firewall.

In frustration I have rolled back to v5.9.1 which has no such issue. Any ideas on how this may be fixed?


Responses on that are somewhat outside user (un)pay grades.. I'd suggest raising a support ticket - click Troubleshooting in the Help Center (link below in my sig) and scroll to the bottom of the page to see the 'Contact Support' button.

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Is it possible to NOT use the "---" shortcut (without quotations marks) for a horizontal rule?


I don't use them or want them, but I do use "---" EVERYWHERE in my documents for separating information from each other.


Does anyone know how to turn off keyboard shortcuts globally or this shortcut especially?



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  • Level 5

Is it possible to NOT use the "---" shortcut (without quotations marks) for a horizontal rule?


I don't use them or want them, but I do use "---" EVERYWHERE in my documents for separating information from each other.


Does anyone know how to turn off keyboard shortcuts globally or this shortcut especially?




I add a space between the dashes

- - - Data point 1

- - - Data point 2

- - - Data point 3


or just type the 3 dashes, then a space, then the information

--- Data point 1
--- Data point 2
--- Data point 3
or add a period after the 3 dashes
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I just noticed an odd new glitch: my left panel is auto scrolling as I mouse around. And I mean anywhere. It's happening even if EN is not the active window. Very annoying. That happening to anyone else?


Another thing, and this may be due to something in my set-up, but since the last update, sometimes when I try to right click and save an email to EN it has started telling me "failed to load client request".


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Thanks for the update, but why not to make autoformat features optional?

They are terribly annoying for those, who don't need them. And I'm really tired to press "Ctrl-Z" for every row in a list, which I don't want to be formatted.


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This update seems to have enforced a minimum height for the vertical scrollbar in the note list. Previously, I had my note list small enough to only see three notes, but if I do that now, the lower half of the scrollbar disappears. Now, anything smaller than roughly six-and-a-half note titles worth of height will start covering up the scrollbar, making the note list unusable. On the desktop this was annoying but ultimately not the greatest of deals, but on my netbook and all of its 10'' of screen real estate it means that the actual note content area only holds about 13 lines of text. This makes working on things more cumbersome and I want my shorter note list back. And while I'm talking about the note height, I want to remember that I in some earlier version could shorten the space inbetween the note list and note area, by hiding the toolbar inbetween the note list and the bar with font dropdown and whatnot, but this doesn't appear to be possible anymore and is a functionality I want to come back.

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  • Level 5*

I typically don't use EN that way, but I tried and see the same behavior, 6 notes must be showing in list view to get the down arrow to show.

May not work for you, but my standard view is left panel hidden (F10), list view to the left (CTRL-Shift-F5), and shortcuts in the toolbar.  You can arrange to have whichever list view columns are most important to you visible (they all don't fit on a partial screen but you can scroll).  Most of what is in the left panel is pretty much accessible in this view or can be put on the shortcuts bar.  FWIW.

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Another picky layout problem... I usually view my EN window pretty big, but not at full screen. That way I can drag and drop files easily from my desktop to my notebook structure in the left panel. Since the new update when I shrink the window a tad from where I usually keep it, the the left panel folds itself away and disappears entirely. That may be helpful on some devices, but I'm not finding it that way on my regular desktop. It would be nice to have the general layout go back to being static or give us the option of static / dynamic, along with having a compressed view version available.

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On 12/15/2015 at 4:40 AM, gazumped said:
On 12/21/2015 at 3:31 PM, tm- said:


Thanks for the update, but why not to make autoformat features optional?

They are terribly annoying for those, who don't need them. And I'm really tired to press "Ctrl-Z" for every row in a list, which I don't want to be formatted.


No options yet,  but add a dot or a space as discussed,  or Ctrl-Z to undo the autoformat...

This autoformat feature is really annoying. It will be great great great if there is an option to turn it off.

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Hi! maybe it's a little late but finally i get time to post my findings in this new version. Some of them are bugs but other are just improvements i would like to see. I'm on  Windows 10:
  • When I upgrade, my start menu shortcut dissapear and my task bar shortcut changes it icon to a blank page. That's been happening since earlier versions.
  • The share button should have a similar style than the rest of the options. Those borders are awful :P.
  • The tag icon looks out of place with the actual style. I think it should be like the notebook icon (I checked and that's how it's in OS X).
  • It would be nice than instead of hiding tags when there is not enough space, to hide the text of the icons (or maybe get rid of them entirely ;)).ScreenClip.png.7b6c1859c4e2e6b1206e40789
  • When there's not enough space to show the empty text, there's no way to click to add a tag. Also even though there's a way to view tags not visible in a drop panel, it only opens when clicking the space dedicated to the tags and not the icon itself.
  • I can't seem to find any red indication about syncing. Only a little dot when in list view and a blue corner when in snippet view. Maybe red turned out to be blue?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Evernote team! Really appreciate your hard work on a tool I use every single day.

I upgraded to a 4K Dell monitor this Xmas. On Windows 10, I believe there's some upscaling that occurs so that the fonts are still at a readable size. On the Evernote Windows version, fonts look fuzzy and rasterized, which is in sharp contrast to all other apps currently on my machine. Do you guys have a plan to update rasterized assets to support 4k or move to vector based fonts?

See screenshot below. Note the difference in the font details between the title bar and the rest of the app.

Thanks again!

evernote snip.PNG

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  • Level 5*

Do you use gdipp?


user @Shu Hikari was able to fix this by removing gdipp, - installed on windows 7 to smooth fonts on that system but on windows 10 it makes for fuzzy fonts.

Failing that,  try this:  http://en.kioskea.net/faq/32589-windows-8-1-disable-display-scaling-on-high-dpi-settings

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  • Level 5*
On 11/19/2015 at 2:00 AM, Justin Street said:


  • Tables pasted from MS Word retain their formatting when edited

Tables' retention of MS Word formatting is VERY delicate. 


  1. create a table in MS Word with the parameter "Autofit to Contents"
  2. drag table into EN note
  3. if you start typing in the cells, you'll see they do indeed autofit
  4. if you happen to click the mouse when the mouse pointer is over a cell border (bringing up the resize mouse cursor), poof! MS Word formatting is now gone. 
  5. type in a cell; they no longer autofit
  6. worse, insert a column, and the table doesn't increase in width, rather the column from which a column was inserted will be subdivided. No autofitting, so this eventually gets to the point where cells are only one character wide

You can undo this if you undo immediately. But I can see a lot of people panicking or maybe not even noticing if they were finished with their table editing and leaving the note, and losing their shot at undoing the formatting change. If there is a lot of data in the table, that might cause a lot of extra work.

Perhaps some kind of warning before resizing a column/row (and stripping MS Word formatting) would be better, giving the user an option to cancel.

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  • Level 5*
On 28/01/2016 at 9:43 PM, pepr said:


My "presentation mode" is not working, i click on it and after a while it loads a blank note/screen....

Using the last build, premium user.

Hi.  Try Uninstall / restart / reinstall.  If that fails please come back and confirm your OS.

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On 27/01/2016 at 11:15 AM, gazumped said:

Do you use gdipp?


user @Shu Hikari was able to fix this by removing gdipp, - installed on windows 7 to smooth fonts on that system but on windows 10 it makes for fuzzy fonts.

Failing that,  try this:  http://en.kioskea.net/faq/32589-windows-8-1-disable-display-scaling-on-high-dpi-settings

Disabling the font scaling on Windows 10 works OK for the menus and icons, but not for the content. Some notes become unreadable due to tiny fonts being used. It's still a p.i.t.a. to use Evernote on a hi-dpi display. The Evernote Touch app from the store does this better, but is limited in other ways.

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