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Evernote search is a mess




For more than a year now (possibly more), Evernote search has been a complete mess: the search views do not update in real time.  Examples:


Search for notes with tag ABC in Notebook A.  Take one of the notes in the list and move it to a different notebook, it should vanish from view, right?  It doesn’t.  It stays put.  Not always of course, but frequently enough to be annoying.


Search for notes with tag ABC in folder A containing three notebooks B, C, D.  Move one of the notes from folder B to C, it should stay in view, right?  Often it vanishes.


Search for notes with tag ABC in Notebook A,  order notes by date created; change the date on one note, it should move up or down the list accordingly, right?  It doesn’t — almost always it doesn’t.  You have to change the view option (like list by date modified) and back for the note to change place.  See link for more detail:




The search bar is a total mess (in the French version I use — of course the natural language search is only available for the English version, which Evernote does not allow you to download if you happen to live in France).  It is hard to explain without images, so I please check the link below for details.




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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Always useful to know whether you're using the web,  or the installed desktop version of Evernote.  Also you'll need to bear in mind that any local copy of your database is just that: a copy of the main server-based data,  Evernote tends to sync automatically every 15 minutes,  and some operations may be delayed while the local copy of Evernote resorts itself,  recreates the search index,  and gets ready to send details of changes to the server.  So 'real time' is true for typing,  but not so much with major content changes that may affect many more than one note.  Give it a little time,  sync manually and then maybe you'll see the correct layout. 


If Evernote is slow even with the extra time I'd suggest raising a support ticket - click Troubleshooting in the Help Center (link below in my sig) and scroll to the bottom of the page to see the 'Contact Support' button.

  • Level 5*

Hi.  Always useful to know whether you're using the web,  or the installed desktop version of Evernote.  Also you'll need to bear in mind that any local copy of your database is just that: a copy of the main server-based data, 


@Gaz:  If you looked at the images then you'd know @Eseifani is using and referring to EN Mac.  And he/she did post in the MAC forum.

Oh, that's right, you don't use EN Mac, so you wouldn't recognize it.

Of course, this search issue would be an issue whether it's EN Mac or EN Web.


Don't know why you always want to defend Evernote, especially when it is obvious that EN has some issues.

There have been many reports of Evernote Search issues.


IAC, sync has nothing to do with this issue.  If the user has set NB or Tag filters, or has run a search, then if changes to any of the resultant Notes is made that not longer meets the filter/search criteria that Note should be removed from the Note list immediately in EN Mac.  No sync is required.

Actually, I see this happen all time with EN Mac.


I suggest that you submit a bug report, and provide detailed steps to reproduce each search issue you have seen.
It is very important for Evernote to be able to reproduce the issue in order to fix it.

I recommend that everyone who experiences a bug to submit a bug report.  This will make sure that Evernote is aware of the issue, provide your environment data to help identify/fix the issue, and put more pressure on Evernote to fix.


Submit a BUG report via an EN Support Ticket. In the Support Form, select "Report a bug", and start the Ticket Title with "BUG:  " to make it clear.  Reporting a bug should be available to all users, including Free Account owners.  Other Ticket types available to Free users are "Data Loss", "Crash", & "Sync Issue", "Payment/Billing Issue", and  "Log in issues".

  • Level 5*

So every time my grandson says "why do cars make so much noise" and I tell him there's an internal combustion engine or a diesel inside burning lots of fossil fuel to make poison gas,  I'm apologising for the car makers?  Explaining the facts of life (no,  not those facts) isn't excusing the noise and the mess.  ;)


Didn't view the pics,  so didn't get the OS confirmation from there - can you tell which version that is too?  Might the new beta help?  (Although I know how you feel about betas)  Not being an 'expert' Mac user I'll leave this one to you...


So every time my grandson says "why do cars make so much noise" and I tell him there's an internal combustion engine or a diesel inside burning lots of fossil fuel to make poison gas, I'm apologising for the car makers?

So JMiU still feels the need to make unnecessary NOISE and stick it to those he doesn't like. (Sigh). Some things never change.

  • Level 5*

Your grandson asks a good question.  All cars (back in your day) use to make a lot of noise. 

Today, you can barely hear some cars.  Why?  Because manufacturers have changed their designs.


Of course, it depends on the noise.  Some noises mean something is wrong, or has broke, and needs to go to the dealer (manufacturer's rep) for inspection/repair.  Even though it may be dismissed by some, when enough people complain, the manufacturer (designer) realizes there is a design and/or production issue.  Like GM and others, if they don't fix it they will end up getting sued and/or investigated by the Federal Government/Congress.


Telling someone they shouldn't complain about the noise just because that is the way *you* think it is a "fact" can be very misleading and misdirecting.


You said "Not being an 'expert' Mac user ...".  Are you a Mac user at all, let alone an expert one?

  • Level 5*

"Back in my day?" ;) - out here in the real world some cars still make quite a lot of noise,  as compared with that nice Mr Tesla's new quiet versions (I like F1 racing).  And the point of the story was that explaining the why,  doesn't condone or excuse a situation.  It wasn't presented as a misleading fact,  it was an actual,  accurate,  rock solid certitude.  Folks are always free to hold their own opinions and voice them as loudly as they want.  Just like I am.


Oh yeah - and I have to confess that I'm not a current Mac user,  though I used to run a tech support team servicing PC and Mac users,  so I did get to do a bit of breaking and fixing on the various models...


Anyway - back to the OP;  if he's still got a problem,  hopefully it will have been raised with support now,  just like we both advised him to.

  • Level 5*

Yep, everyone is free to express his/her opinion.  We see a lot of that out there in the Internet blog world.


We also see a lot of uninformed, misleading advice given by some who don't really have the experience in the subject matter they are giving advice on.  Even main-stream reporters (if those still exist) often don't do their homework properly before filing their report.

What is really scary is when you call in for tech support, and you quickly realize the the support person knows less about the SW/HW than you do.  They are simply following a script without any real knowledge/experience of how the system works.


As for myself, I stay away from advising others on topics, software, computers, phones that I am not currently using.

Even if I once used a system, technology changes too fast these days to rely on how a piece of software/hardware used to work.


I’m using Evernote for Mac, the latest beta.  But the problem isn’t new, it started when they switched to the new look for Yosemite, more than a year ago, and persisted ever since.


Please, if you haven’t read my post to the full, no need to comment. 


Can we please go back to the topic?  Any ideas why this is happening?  Is it a general problem?  Specific to certain versions?  Can somebody check?

  • Level 5*

I’m using Evernote for Mac, the latest beta.  But the problem isn’t new, it started when they switched to the new look for Yosemite, more than a year ago, and persisted ever since.


I'm not sure if any changes or fixes to the Search engine were made, but you might try the just released production version of EN Mac:  EN Mac 6.2 Update -- Released 



I’m using Evernote for Mac, the latest beta.  But the problem isn’t new, it started when they switched to the new look for Yosemite, more than a year ago, and persisted ever since.


I'm not sure if any changes or fixes to the Search engine were made, but you might try the just released production version of EN Mac:  EN Mac 6.2 Update -- Released




Just downloaded it.  Will give it a spin and let you know.  But I seriously doubt it got fixed, it was still there in the latest beta, and it’s been around for more than a year now.


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