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Save image to a note within a notebook...

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...or move a note to an individual note within a notebook. I obviously can save an image or webpage to an individual notebook. I can even move notes from one notebook to another...great. But let's say I have a note in one notebook that I want to move to another note within a different notebook? I can't figure it out. Also, is there a way I can save a webpage or image straight to an individual note within a notebook? This would be most helpful Thanks!

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  It's impossible to be specific without knowing your OS and Evernote version - Web / Desktop or mobile.  However:  all the usual commands should work to move an image.  You can copy the image and paste it to a new note (and then delete the original image) / click and drag (in some cases) / move the image to your desktop (if you have one) in multiple ways - save attachment / export note / copy and paste;  or you could copy the original note and replace the unwanted content around that image.  You could merge the notes (in some cases) and retrieve the original from the Trash folder (if you have one)...


Saving images again depends on what version of EN you're using and how you're acquiring the image - opening the note and tapping the paperclip to 'attach' an image is always a good start...

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Thanks for the response. I use a chromebook and current;y use whatever the app is from the chrome web store. I do see that there is an evernote web app in the web store as well. Is this version preferable? If I change to the web version will my notebooks/notes transfer over? None of the normal commands to copy/paste/drag seem to work with the version I have. I hope that makes sense. I appreciate the help.

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