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Feature Request - Improvement in search with Tags from UI

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I think that it will be very usefull to be able to use multiple tags from the UI while searching for notebooks.

Let's see how the search process using tags is working now:

1) you select the tags icon

2) you are presented with a searchable list of tags

3) you select one (and only one) of the available tags

4) you are presented with a list of the notebooks that you've saved with the selected tag attached

Let's see how the search process using tags should work if you accept this feature request:

1) you select the tags icon

2) you are presented with a searchable list of tags

3) you select one of the available tags. In this example let's call the selected tag A

4) the list of tags is now reduced and contain only the tags that have been saved togheter with tag A

5) if you want you can continue in tag selection. You select one of the available tags. In this example let's call the second selected tag B

6) the list of tags is now reduced and contain only the tags that have been saved togheter with tag A AND tag B

7) if you want you can continue in tag selection and the process is always the same descibed above

8) Once you finish with tag selection you hit a search button that display all the notebook archived with the tags you've selected

Let's see an example.

You have 3 notebook:

notebook1 saved with tag A and tag B

notebook2 saved with tag B and tag C

notebook3 saved with tag A and tag C

1) you select the tags icon

2) you are presented with a searchable list of tags containing A, B and C

3) you select one of the available tags. In this example let's assume that we've selected tag A

4) the list of tags is now reduced and contain only the tags that have been saved togheter with tag A (in this example B and C)

5) you select one of the available tags. In this example let's assume that we've selected tag C

6) the list of tags is now empty

7) you hit the search button that display all the notebook archived with attached all the tags you've selected (in this example notebook3)


whait a minute....I know I can use in the search field someting like tag:A tag:C but...this is quite different from the feature I'm suggesting.

If you (like me) use a lot of tags while saving notebook you end up very soon with a lot of tags that you don't even remember. If you can use my feature the tag list "suggest" you the remaining available tags while to be able to use someting like tag:A tag:C in the search field you have to remember that you've used tag A and tag C and this is why I think that such a feature would greately increase the ability to search for notebook.

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  • Level 5*

If you select a tag (your first point 4 above),  you'll get a list of all the notes -not notebooks- with that tag.  If you switch to List view in EN desktop or web,  you can sort the tags column to see an ordered list of all the tags selected together with your chosen tag.  Click the dropdown by the search icon (not mobiles) and choose 'search within context' to refine further...

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Hello and thank you for sharing with me your suggestion.

To be able to try it I had to switch to the old web interface (I don't have the desktop app installed).

In the new web interface the "list view" option is not present anymore.

And I've not been able to find the "search within context" in the web interface.

The only thing I have is "add filter..." but didn't allow me to add TAG filters!

I still think that my suggestion to improve the search process is valid.

Thanks again

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