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Automatically open a "work environment" from an Evernote's Note

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first, congratulations and thank you for this wonderful application.


I am on W10/ Office365 and I have to open a group of dedicated applications for a task. This task is often linked with an Evernote note.


Please, could you tell me how can I open, from a dedicated note, several applications like :


1. Everenote Note + A specific URL like a tutorial + An application like Blender


2. Evernote Note + A specific URL + Windows application (Excel, Word....)...



The top would be to have a short-cut on my desk which will open this three applications automatically.

or from a Chrome shortcut :)


Thank you for any feedback.


Best Regards - José

And congratulations for this applications.

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  • Level 5*

Hi  It's possible to start running an executable (EXE) file from Evernote if you have it linked from a note,  and using a batch file or a script it's possible to do the same from your desktop.  You won't be able to start several different applications from one link directly,  no matter what OS you have.  You could set up a batch file or script to do that for you,  or use an automation tool like AutoHotKey to 'run' all the keystrokes required when you type a specific code.

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Hi, thank you for your feedback.


I have never used AutoHotkey 

How to reach a Note: 


; Run a program. Note: most programs will require a FULL file path.
Run, C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe


And a specific note ?!


Thank you for your feedback.


Best Regards, José

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I did it with AutoHotKey (thank you fro this)!



; Pour lancer Blender, Evernote et le tuto chez OpenClassRooms ; Touches : Win + b
; Nov. 215 - José Relland
#b::   ; Touche Win + b minuscule pour Blender
run, C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\blender.exe
run, https://openclassroo...3d-avec-blender
run, C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Evernote\Tuto Blender OpenClassRoom (2.5 de juin 2011 - nov. 2015 2.76).enex


But I am not very happy as to open a dedicated note, have been obliged to point a shortcut (.enex file).

But it is ok :)


Thank you again and take care, José

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  • Level 5*

Don't know if it will help,  but try creating a Table of Contents note with links to all your current notes,  then open that with your AHK script.  You would be able to see and open a range of notes and add new ones - don't know how efficient or practical the workflow would be for you...

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