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What to use dotted paper in a Moleskine Voyageur for?

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I know this is of topic, but I was wondering if any of you had ideas!


I don't know what to use the dotted paper in my Moleskine Voyageur for. It needs to be travel related.




Giacomo Lawrance  :)

I love dotted Moleskine. :)

Both in the Evernote Moleskine Sketchbook and in another notebook.


I write, draw, calculate, just connecting the dots... (If I'm very bored :mellow: )

Dotted pages is for everything.

Writing on squared pages is hard (the tiny space between make my hard-write unreadable)

And calculate on the lined pages is hard


PS: I like your bloggpost The Nerdy Student - How I Use Evernote


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  • Level 5*

I don't have a Voyageur, but I do have a Midori Traveler's Notebook, and I use my grid pages to both write and sketch my surroundings. Dot grid really gets out of the way when drawing or sketching, but is a light enough guide that you can use it as an aid in drawing or writing straight.

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