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Timeline View Please!

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I absolutely love the Atlas feature, and I was just wondering if it would be possible to get a similar feature for timelines. I'm writing a book that spans many places and times, and it would be fantastic to be able to see all the notes relevant to a certain time period as well as to certain locations. Thanks!! 

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  • Level 5

<snip>it would be fantastic to be able to see all the notes relevant to a certain time period<snip>


You can do that with Evernote date searches. 


Created (since)
created:day = today
created:day-1 = yesterday
created:week = this week (since Sunday)
created:week-1 = last week (since last Sunday)
created:month = this month
created:month-1 = last month
created:year = this year
created:year-1 = last year
Created (before)
today = -created:day
yesterday = -created:day-1
this week = -created:week
last week = -created:week-1
this month = -created:month
last month = -created:month-1
this year = -created:year
last year = -created:year-1
And specific date ranges:
Created between August  31, 2014 and November 28, 2014
created:20140831 -created:20141129
Created on October 1, 2014
created:20141001 -created:20141002
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Nope. I did consider that, but the create date "only" goes back to 1600. I would be willing to bet I'd not be the only one to get a lot of use out of a feature that could be tagged for any time in history or the future. I think a lot of academics, authors, scientists, and others would get a lot out of it.


And yes...I suppose you could use that method for many things, but I do think it would be a really beautiful feature to be able to see them all on a timeline, with thumbnails and everything, like the Atlas. Zoom in and out on a time period, easily, get a sense for all the notes there graphically, in a way that you can't with a chronologically ordered list...I think it would be really helpful for a lot of people. 

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  • Level 5*


TuskTools Calendar is a Windows application that allows you to easily create appointments, due dates and reminders, using your own notes within Evernote to create an easily modifiable yet powerful calendar and reminder system.

In addition, TuskTools Calendar allows you to view your Evernote notes chronologically in an easily viewable dynamic calendar. The view of your notes through time can be instantly modified by controlling the date range and also by simple or complex filtering of your Evernote notes.
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