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Does Evernote use Spideroak ?

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I am having a problem with Calibre, a free ebook management software.  The developer has traced it down to an issue that Calibre has with other applications that use SpiderOak, a cloud based storage and encryption system.  As with most applications having problems, the Calibre's recommendation is to stop using SpiderOak...then the calibre problem goes away.


But I HOPE that SpiderOak is running on my new laptop for a reason, specificially that some other software uses it.  I learned that SpiderOak is used for syncing between machines, which brought Evernote to mind.  I certainly sync with Evernote.


Can anyone add info to this? 

Does Evernote use Spideroak? 

Has any other Evernote user had this problem with Calibre (problem shows up when you try to load a new book into the Calibre library)?.

Does anyone know what other common 64 bit Windows software uses Spideroak?

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I have Spideroak installed on my 64-bit Windows 8.1 computer,  though I haven't used it for a while.  I also used Calibre and Evernote and have never been aware of a clash.  If you don't use the software, I'd suggest that you uninstall Spideroak and see what else (if anything) stops working.  It won't be Evernote.  The sync process is baked into the executable and doesn't require an external helper.

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