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Since 2012 - a lot of User´s Requested - Android Search Within a Note



Since 2012 User´s have been Requesting

to Evernote create in Android the feature "Search within a note"

and it´s still lacking


Everyone who has big notes knows how trouble this missing feature causes.


In Which Date will evernote release this Feature ? 


(remember - we are in 2015, and the feature was requested in 2012 and all following years, without evernote team answering about the date feature will be released)

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Hi.  I don't ever remember seeing a commitment from Evernote to respond to every feature request,  and if you read around the forums you'll see lots of other features that have been requested for years,  and are -in the opinion of the posters- essential to love,  life and the pursuit of efficiency.  Evernote however decides for itself whether and when to develop new features,  and doesn't (often) share what they will be.  They carry out their own user research,  so I guess this either:

  • hasn't scored very high on the 'must have' scale
  • is difficult to do across multiple OS's and devices
  • doesn't look like it will be cost-effective
  • is already in development but hasn't been released yet
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