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Reminders - Sunrise Calender Integration

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I am using Reminders in EN Desktop which then posts the Reminders to my Sunrise calendar. The EN Desktop lets me pick a date and start time, but no end time. It posts the reminder in blocks of 1 hour. However some of my meetings are for more than an hour. When I try to adjust the time on my Sunrise calendar I am blocked from doing that - it just reverts to the 1 hour time slot.  


Is there a way for me to adjust Sunrise to reflect the desired scheduled time?





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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I don't know of any way to adjust Sunrise settings for more precision.  The EN Reminders feature is still pretty limited in its scope - I tend to use a third party 'to-do' app which has repeating reminders,  sub-projects and other bells and whistles to schedule my time,  and link to Evernote notes which store the detail. 

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