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Sharing limitations

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Hello all..


I am an evernote premium account user and i share individual notebooks with a colleague who is a free user.


I believed that the limit for shares was 250 (below url for evernote sharing limits) - however, over the past week or so, I have noticed my colleague getting an error when trying to share additional notebooks - the error being displayed states that the limit for free user shares is 100 (not 250 as documented).


Does anyone know what the official standpoint is and is the Evernote documentation just out of date?







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  • Level 5*

Hi.  The link you quote doesn't say anything about maximum shares that I can see,  and my notes of the maxes are:


sharing limits

Number of joined notebooks and Business Notebooks (owned or joined)

    Free: 100
    Premium: 250
    Business: 250

Number of people joining a single notebook


Number of people joining a Public Notebook



Looks like its a feature,  not a bug...




Edit:  On a slightly more helpful note - anyone can share a public notebook link,  so the max of 100 will not apply;  but the shares will be view only:  no editing allowed.  The pages will be 'secure' in that any holder of the URL will be able to view them,  and a TOC note could act as an index page to many other notes,  so remembering a series of links wouldn't be required.  Pages are (I believe) behind Evernote's firewalls,  so not routinely searchable from the internet. 

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