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can't open notes after changing to iOS

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  • Ex Employees

Hi there,


We've seen other reports of this, and our development team is working on it as a top priority issue. 

In the meantime, there's a possible workaround: for any note that won't open, swipe to the left and add it to shortcuts, then open it from the shortcuts menu on the Evernote home screen. 
Please let us know if that doesn't work or if you identify any other issues.
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  • Level 5

Hi all,

We're actively investigating this issue and testing on iPhone 6s devices as we receive them.

Another workaround is to switch your note list view to "Cards":

• From note list - tap overflow menu (. . .) in bottom right
• If within a notebook, tap "Note list options"
• Choose "Cards"

We've found that you can open notes in this view.


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