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Shorthand hyperlink creation gone?

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Before a recent update I used to be able to simply type a URL like www.nameofsite.com,  enter a space or a hard return and the URL would instantly become an active link. 


In a recent update, that functionality has disappeared. Now must always include the "http://" to create a link. Anyone else notice that?  Do you miss the old way too?



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I agree you need an 'http://' to get the address recognised.  Hasn't been a problem that I've noticed before now - I tend to copy and paste addresses anyway...  Devs do read these pages,  but you could submit a bug report on this.  You won't necessarily get any follow-up,  but it does mean that the devs will take a look at your situation and (maybe) fix it in a future release...


Submit a bug report by choosing "report a bug..." in the first dropdown after logging in here > https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action


 - or reach out on Twitter @Evernotehelps (include the forum thread URL for extra background)


Premium / Business users also have access to a Chat option (7am-7pm PST weekdays) - click 'continue' on the support page after logging in.

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