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Evernote is dropping attachment after applying tag


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Hi All,


I have the following issue with Evernote for Windows GA.

I am using: Windows 10 Pro x64

I scan documents with snapscan and place them automaticly in its notebook.


When I add Tags the attachement sometimes disapear. Sometimes its just a visibility issue and I can salvage it by richt clicking the note and saving the attchement. (not visible any more). Sometimes its just isn't there.


Anyone any suggestings...?



  • Level 5*

Hi.  You may have this problem because your imports don't have time to sync before you edit them.  You could either sync manually after a scanning session,  or maybe sync to a folder on your computer and add your tag keywords to the filename automatically assigned by your scanner.  If you then move the files into Evernote via a script or an Import Folder you will have already-"tagged" notes.  I use the folder method because I can add more descriptive titles,  correct errors and do my own OCR before uploading.


Hmm,... bit of a workaround.

I see that when I give it more time to load and save a note it is more stable.


I scan on a different computer. Sync them from there. Then on my own workstation I Sync the database I see the scanned documents. Sometimes when I try to add tags the attachement dissapears. The percentage of lost items is higher when I work fast. Its a situations that should not occur. Eather way how you place the items in the database by file import or through mail, adjusting the metadata of the note should note remove the attachement.


At this moment I use as precausion that I first save the attachement and then when the issue arrises I can re-enter the attachment. Sometimes a few days later I see two attachements.


Somehow it seems that its a visibility issue. When the attachement dissappears as preview, the note looks empty but you still can save the attachement... so underwater the attachement is still there.. until you sync. then the attachement is gone.



  • Level 5*

Lessee - how about you save the attachments into an 'inbox' notebook,  then copy all those notes into another 'in progress' notebook to do your tagging.  Compare the inbox content with your tagged content later to check that the attachments are all safe,  delete duplications.  (you could compare on title or created/ updated date).


As long as you have no major upload allowance issues you can use Evernote to save your backup files and remove all duplicates.

  • Level 5*

I have seen that problem occasionally, but it may be when I work too fast. The explanation here seems reasonable (no time for the attachments to fully synchronize before editing). I have not had the problem recently, because I have been a little behind on tagging pdfs! I usually rename them as well, and I thought that might have something to do with the attachment disappearing. Maybe more complex than that.


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