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Lost text & printing dilemmas

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I have 2 problems: I have been working on a note (evernote premium on my mac) that is getting quite long with multiple images included amongst the text...


1. At random times it seems to all disappear leaving only the title of the document & a blank page.... obviously a bit distressing!! However it still exits as normal on the web version of evernote. And after a period of time it suddenly reappears.... Can I stop this happening??


2. Because its a long document when I edit it as a pdf it seems to create a one page long skinny document that then prints out the same - ie prints out as a single column of text & images down the centre of one page of A4. Can I create it so it will make a multi page pdf document??


Thanks for any help!!

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  The latest Mac update (it's a beta as yet) includes,  we're told,  some serious rewrites of the editor,  so hopefully this will help to avoid such issues.  https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/88677-evernote-for-mac-62-beta-1-released/


Meantime,  most experienced users seem to avoid long notes for a variety of reasons including the risk of losing important information if something 10 pages long is opened for editing,  and the content corrupted or lost.  Tying the notes together with a common heading or tag allows you to see the whole when and if required,  but adding new material is best done in a new note.  It's also (amongst other things) easier to find one section amongst many,  shuffle content around -create a table of contents note and cut/ paste the links to individual sections-  and quicker to load on mobile devices.


PDFs are meant to be 'snapshots' of a finished document which preserve its content,  layout and styles in a reliable format;  it's really not intended as a medium for editing.  You're better off priniting your collection of notes to PDF once they're completed,  or keeping each small note as a single document file and editing in Word or some such,  to be collated and printed as one complete document when required.


Whatever method you fix on,  please backup your database frequently;  Evernote do have a complete copy of the last version you were able to sync - but sometimes that can lag a day or two behind the real world... 

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