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editing -- how can I make a change without accidentally replacing existing text?

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I use Evernote for taking lecture notes.  Because I'm taking 'live' notes, I often go back and make corrections (e.g., to fill in a missing word).  This year I'm experiencing something new:  I place the cursor in the sentence, and start typing.  As soon as I type any character, all the text that follows this new character is highlighted and then replaced if I continue typing.  My get-around is, type one letter at a time and use the left arrow to remove the highlighting.  This is not okay!!  Is anyone else having this problem?  I don't know if it's a setting or if Evernote itself has changed.  thanks!

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Posted · Hidden by gazumped, September 21, 2015 - Spam
Hidden by gazumped, September 21, 2015 - Spam

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