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Icon "xxx@yyy.com is viewing" a note in an expected Private notebook


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There is person A and Person B. Person A has access to the following:
notebook 1 -> private
notebook 2 -> shared: person A is owner: Person B can edit and view
notebook 3 -> shared: person B is owner: Person A can edit and view
But, person A when editing a note of his in notebook 1, could see the light blue icon along with the tooltip "person B is viewing" when the mouse is over it. I marked it in the red circle in the image below.
Any ideas why that might be? Thanks in advance.


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Difficult to offer suggestions here without knowing how the system is supposed to work* - I'd suggest a support ticket to report the bug,  and a tweet to @EvernoteHelps including this URL and your ticket number to see if you can get some informed comment on this.


* We're the public user forum - Evernote don't (often) give any feedback on issues here - that's processed via the support link in my signature.

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