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How to open enex file that is saved on Window 7 desktop? Help pls!

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Any special reason you're trying to open the file?  It's XML format,  designed to act as a backup/ transfer content from one account to another.  You can't do anything else with it unless you're fairly technical..

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  • Level 5*

You can examine it in a text editor, and if you understand XHTML, you can learn about the internal format that Evernote uses.


You can also import this back into an Evernote desktop client (like the Windows client): File / Import / Evernote Export Format...


You can use .ENEX files as backups, with some caveats: some things, like a note's notebook, are not stored in .ENEX files (I do a backup to .ENEX, on a notebook-by-notebook basis, for that reason). I think that importing a note back into Evernote also breaks associated note links. It's possible to write programs that process .ENEX format (it's documented), so that your notes could be converted to another format if you wish to move them to a different system.


Once in a very great while, I've exported a note to .ENEX format, edit it to fix some glitch that bothers the desktop client, and re-imported it back into Evernote.

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