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Structure of notes

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a new user here trying to best structure my note taking. Love the app btw. I have 100 customers. In the past, I used a text-only note taking application which had tabs and hence I had 100 tabs open at the same time. With evernote, is it better to create a single note for a client or create a single notebook for each customer and every meeting gets its own note. All my notes will be mostly be text so not too fearful of having a single note with a 100 pages but if someone could talk about the pros and cons of each approach, that'll help. What would you do?



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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Long notes are always a Bad Thing - difficult to navigate,  hard to edit and slow to load on mobile devices;  so I'd suggest making as many short notes as you need.  If you investigate tags,  you could simply have a tag for each customer and add that to all notes you make relating to that customer.  If you also have tags for specific operations,  like "meeting" you could then tag notes "meeting" "jones" and "meeting" "smith" so you can find all notes about meetings,  or all notes about jones,  or all meetings with jones.  I always start note titles with the date - yyyymmdd (and the time in 24-hr clock mode if you need that granularity) so if you search "tag:meeting tag:jones" you'll be able to sort the results into a timeline by title.  (Created dates aren't so useful for this unless you're very organised and always make your notes on the day to which they refer.)


Since this is your client record,  always keep a backup of your database handy,  and if you're editing on more than one device always sync your device both immediately before and after you finish a session to make sure it's the most up to date version.

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I would agree with gazumped that this is the best way to organise your data.


I have seen one or two people get in to a bit of a mess as they have created a  notebook for each client and found that when they reached 250 clients Evernote wouldn't allow them to create any more notebooks, so short notes with good tags and a good naming convention is in my opinion the way to go



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doletap - You've gotten some good advice from gazumped and champ. I would agree with them. Shorter Notes are better than longer Notes which consolidate all the information you have about a specific topic (like a particular customer).


You asked for the pros and cons of two organizational methods:

  1. One Note for all information about one customer, or
  2. One Notebook for each customer and each Note is a meeting.

I suggest there is a another aspect of this for you to consider. That is, "If you choose one of these two methods, start implementing it, and then decide you want to change to the other method, how much effort and trouble will it be to switch?


Evernote has a feature which will allow you to easily "merge" two or more Notes into one. So, if you start with method #2 and then decide to switch to method #1, it will not likely be a lot of effort for you.


In contrast, if you start with method #1 and decide to switch to method #2, it could take you a fairly large amount of effort to examine each Note, determine where are the points to break it apart, cut the information in the Note, and then paste it into two or more other Notes.

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Hello group!

My app on phone keeps telling me that the format in the Note is not supported when i attempt to Edit it ... I don't have this problem when I edit on my desktop computer. Has anyone else experienced and knows how to correct it?

Thank you,

Jake W.

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Hello group!

My app on phone keeps telling me that the format in the Note is not supported when i attempt to Edit it ... I don't have this problem when I edit on my desktop computer. Has anyone else experienced and knows how to correct it?

Thank you,

Jake W.

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