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lose my place when switching between longer notes

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Hi, I'm frequently switching between notes while composing a written piece. When I switch back and forth between my composition and my notes (all within same notebook) I have to scroll down to find my place each time. Is there a way to switch between notes where it doesn't bring me to the top each time? It's like closing a book every time I briefly look away from it and having to find my place all over again.



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  • Level 5*

Hi.  At present you can't switch between notes and retain your place in a long note.  But you can open two notes at the same time - the one you're working from in its own window or in a web browser perhaps - so that you don't 'jump' from one to the other,  but just switch windows between the two notes...

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Another simple workaround I've used in other apps is to add a @bm "tag"  (bookmark) in the body of the note wherever I've left off. Then you would simply hit Ctrl+F/ Command+F or search on mobile device within the note (via the magnifying glass icon). That should take you to the exact spot you need to be. 


Also... if you do a global search (search bar) for your @bm tag, when you flip through the search results in the note list, you should be taken automatically to the highlighted search phrase. Use quotes if the letter combination of your tag occurs naturally in any other words, because without quotes, special characters like "@" and "#" will not be filtered for.



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