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(Archived) Evernote missing from App Catalog?

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I just got a replacement Pre this morning and Evernote failed to copy over onto my new Pre. I tried to go to the app catalog to download it, but it does not appear regardless of whether I try to search for it or if I scroll alphabetically. Is this a known issue?

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Sometimes, replacement phone may have problem. I checked it is in my app catalog. It is under productive category. (or you may search under free ware). Also, see how many app you get in each categories. It should have > 500 apps. If so, you may bring the phone back to the store.

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I'm using my Palm Pre in Sweden, only just over 100 apps in the Catalog. I can't find Evernote among them, unfortunately. I just got a Evernote support response saying that they also have problems and that they have asked Palm to investigate. I can't see a reason for this app to be restricted, but maybe I'm just not smart enough!

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