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Quick Note Browser Extension

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While I love the web clipper, there seems to be a feature that they got rid of that I used to use a lot. I recall a previous version of web clipper gave the option of creating a note quickly directly from the extension. I'd love to be able to do this, since when I'm at work I can't sign into Evernote the app, but I can sign in on my browser. If I have a quick thought and want to make a note, I have to open the Evernote web interface, wait for it to load, then click Add Note, etc.


Anyone know of any Chrome extensions where I can just click once on an icon and instantly create a note?

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  • Level 5*

Well you could use your Evernote account email address,  leave EN web open while you browse (a lot of browser have detachable tabs so you can hide it if not required) or maybe look into this link - https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/52793-create-a-new-note-shortcut-icon-on-desktop/#entry258635 - to get a new note icon on your desktop.

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  • Level 5*

Anyone know of any Chrome extensions where I can just click once on an icon and instantly create a note?


Well, this may not be exactly what you are looking for, but it might work for a short "quick note".

Just use the Chrome EN Web Clipper, select "bookmark", and type your quick note in the "Remarks" section, as shown below:



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  • Level 5*

Yep.  You could always pick the same site, like Evernote.com, to use in making your "quick notes".

Note that in the EN Clipper options, you can set the Notebook and tags to always use.

So you could set a tag of "QuickNote" to make these easy to find later.

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Another possibility is using a free word processor/ pad/ writing space online... and keep that open. The simpler and the more minimalist, the better... then you could clip the whole page or just a selection to WorkFlowy via the Web Clipper.


In the example below, I happened to use WorkFlowy, an outliner... so you can even clip outlines to your Evernote account. Just zoom into a bullet and you can clip only that specific list:





This is what the full page clipped to Evernote looks like (and since it clips the HTML, if you click on any of the bullets in Evernote, it will take you to that list in WorkFlowy):




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  • Level 5*

Another possibility is using a free word processor/ pad/ writing space online... and keep that open. The simpler and the more minimalist, the better...


Going with the "minimalist" approach, wouldn't it be more minimal (can't remember the last time I used that word) to just use the EN Web client, and keep a Note open?


Of course, that would bypass Workflowy, which is not allowed by some.   :lol:

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All right folks. I thank you all for your ideas and answers. I think we're done here :)


I agree it does actually make a little more sense to have Evernote open in a tab. The only reasons I was asking for a different solution were:


1. The Evernote Chrome extension actually used to have a quicknote feature as I recall.

2. Call me slightly paranoid (a fair assessment), I just personally prefer not to have my personal Evernote open at all times on my work computer. Just a preference.


OK, nothing more to see here, let's move along to other people who actually need help... Haha.

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