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Sync Problem, "Checking UpSell: Not Eligible: Too soon, check API after xxx" ...

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Today when I open Evernote windows ( (276152) Public) I failed to sync and keep seeing below log:


Those highlighted log keep repeating and the sync will never finished, my new notes cannot be downloaded. 


Anything I can do?



* The Activity Log contains a detailed list of the steps the Evernote application performs,
* as well as information about your account and your device. Your Note titles, tags,
* Notebook names and occasionally Note content also may be included. We treat your
* Activity Log data as confidential, and the terms of our Privacy Policy apply (http://evernote.com/privacy).
* You may remove anything you do not want to send us.
Log opened on 2015/08/17 10:07:08 (UTC+8:00)
10:07:08 [1080] Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe" 
Log closed on 2015/08/17 10:07:08 (UTC+8:00)
Log opened on 2015/08/17 10:07:28 (UTC+8:00)
10:07:28 [10276] Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe" 
Log closed on 2015/08/17 10:07:28 (UTC+8:00)
Log opened on 2015/08/17 10:08:24 (UTC+8:00)
10:08:24 [13796] Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe" 
10:08:24 [13796] Evernote for Windows (276152) Public
10:08:24 [13796] Common Editor 22 (2015-06-22 16:04:15 -0700)
10:08:24 [13796] Client info: Evernote Windows/276152; Windows/6.1.7601 Service Pack 1;
10:08:24 [13796] Bootstrap info: Evernote (loadedLastUsed)
10:08:24 [13796] Registered session count: 1, last session: 2015/08/17 10:00:00
10:08:25 [13796] Bootstrap info: Evernote (loadedDatabase)
10:08:25 [13796] Loaded session count: 0, last session: 2015/08/12 10:15:00
10:08:25 [13796] Opened database: C:\FrankDir\Evernote\Databases\frankysea.exb (2.4GB Fixed)
10:08:25 [13276] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com/shard/s10/utility
10:08:26 [13796] Registered session count: 1, last session: 2015/08/17 10:00:00
10:08:28 [13772] Client synchronization started
10:08:28 [13772] * connection reuse is disabled
10:08:28 [14228] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com/edam/note/s10
10:08:28 [14228] 0% Connecting account frankysea
10:08:28 [14228] 0% * loaded 1 sync chunks, updateCount=41728
10:08:28 [14228] 0% Loaded updateCount: 41634
10:08:29 [14228] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=1
10:08:29 [14228] 0% Client updateCount: 41634, server updateCount: 41728
10:08:29 [14228] 0% Retrieving list of changes from the server
10:08:29 [14228] 0% * saved 2 sync chunks, updateCount=41728
10:08:29 [14228] 0% Receiving account changes
10:08:29 [14228] 0% * expunge 0 notebooks, 0 notes, 0 tags, 0 searches, 0 linked notebooks
10:08:29 [14228] 0% * update 0 notebooks, 8 notes, 0 resources, 2 tags, 0 searches, 0 linked notebooks
10:08:29 [14228] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com/edam/user
10:08:30 [14228] 0% Updating user "frankysea"
10:08:30 [14228] 0% * email last verified 2015/04/13 11:21:44 (UTC+8:00)
10:08:30 [13492] 0% Synchronizing 2 tags
10:08:30 [13492] 50% Updating local tag "生工一班"
10:08:30 [13492] 50% * guid={100098F3-7697-4B72-A109-BF23FD719EF8}
10:08:30 [13492] 100% Updating local tag "20033621"
10:08:30 [13492] 100% * guid={48ACAA19-7C07-4996-938B-5D0F1496D4A1}
10:08:30 [11932] 20% Connecting to www.evernote.com/edam/note/s10
10:08:30 [11932] 20% Retrieving 8 notes
10:08:30 [11932] 20% Retrieving note "時隔八年 華農再聚首"
10:08:30 [11932] 20% * guid={2f92c6d7-267b-49f4-83c6-53ce3df027c4}
10:08:30 [11932] 20% * total data size=40391130
10:09:25 [13796] Checking UpSell: Checking Eligiblity
10:09:25 [13796] Checking UpSell: Not Eligible: Too soon, check API after 2015/08/18 10:03:29
10:10:25 [13796] Checking UpSell: Checking Eligiblity
10:10:25 [13796] Checking UpSell: Not Eligible: Too soon, check API after 2015/08/18 10:03:29
10:11:25 [13796] Checking UpSell: Checking Eligiblity
10:11:25 [13796] Checking UpSell: Not Eligible: Too soon, check API after 2015/08/18 10:03:29
10:12:25 [13796] Checking UpSell: Checking Eligiblity
10:12:25 [13796] Checking UpSell: Not Eligible: Too soon, check API after 2015/08/18 10:03:29
10:13:25 [13796] Checking UpSell: Checking Eligiblity
10:13:25 [13796] Checking UpSell: Not Eligible: Too soon, check API after 2015/08/18 10:03:29
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I also tried the latest version (, the sync still not work.


Log opened on 2015/08/17 10:53:11 (UTC+8:00)
10:53:11 [8172] Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe" 
10:53:11 [8172] Evernote for Windows (276509) Prerelease
10:53:11 [8172] Common Editor 25 (2015-07-13 16:29:47 -0700)
10:53:11 [8172] Client info: Evernote Windows/276509; Windows/6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 (Win64);
10:53:11 [8172] Bootstrap info: Evernote (loadedLastUsed)
10:53:11 [10500] Requesting bootstrap info from "www.evernote.com" (zh-HK)
10:53:11 [10500] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com/edam/user
10:53:13 [10500] Bootstrap info: request to "www.evernote.com" returned profiles: Evernote
10:53:13 [10500] Bootstrap info: Evernote (loadedFresh)
10:53:16 [8172] Registered session count: 1, last session: 2015/08/17 10:45:00
10:53:17 [8172] Loaded session count: 0, last session: 2015/08/12 10:15:00
10:53:17 [8172] Opened database: C:\FrankDir\Evernote\Databases\frankysea.exb (2.4 GB Fixed 95.5 GB free)
10:53:17 [8172] * email: kevinseashine@gmail.com
10:53:17 [8172] * user: 1189566
10:53:17 [124] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com/shard/s10/utility
10:53:19 [8172] Registered session count: 1, last session: 2015/08/17 10:45:00
10:53:21 [6092] Client synchronization started
10:53:21 [6092] * connection reuse is disabled
10:53:21 [9140] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com/edam/note/s10
10:53:21 [9140] 0% Connecting account frankysea
10:53:21 [9140] 0% * loaded 2 sync chunks, updateCount=41728
10:53:21 [9140] 0% Loaded updateCount: 0
10:53:21 [9140] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=1
10:53:21 [9140] 0% Client updateCount: 0, server updateCount: 41728
10:53:21 [9140] 0% Retrieving list of changes from the server
10:53:22 [9140] 0% * saved 3 sync chunks, updateCount=41728
10:53:22 [9140] 0% Receiving account changes
10:53:22 [9140] 0% * expunge 0 notebooks, 0 notes, 0 tags, 0 searches, 0 linked notebooks
10:53:22 [9140] 0% * update 0 notebooks, 8 notes, 0 resources, 2 tags, 0 searches, 0 linked notebooks
10:53:22 [9140] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com/edam/user
10:53:22 [9140] 0% Updating user "frankysea"
10:53:22 [9140] 0% * email last verified 2015/04/13 11:21:44 (UTC+8:00)
10:53:23 [9140] 0% Waiting for 2 base writer tasks
10:53:23 [9844] 0% Synchronizing 2 tags
10:53:23 [9844] 10% Updating local tag "生工一班"
10:53:23 [9844] 10% * guid={100098F3-7697-4B72-A109-BF23FD719EF8}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local tag "20033621"
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * guid={48ACAA19-7C07-4996-938B-5D0F1496D4A1}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Writing 8 notes
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local note "時隔八年 華農再聚首", resource count: 8, usn=41716
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * guid={2F92C6D7-267B-49F4-83C6-53CE3DF027C4}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local resource "3a146839a36ac3e7de6ab466df4c32d8" placeholder, 3110098 bytes
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * rsrc={633CF3C6-C9A9-4404-BA8D-A2D73D1C1114}, note={2f92c6d7-267b-49f4-83c6-53ce3df027c4}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local resource "5a1338c660cb1cbcce7dee18276b46b7" placeholder, 204229 bytes
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * rsrc={EEC14A6C-93E5-470D-A96C-D42F7933AB91}, note={2f92c6d7-267b-49f4-83c6-53ce3df027c4}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local resource "5271d2b885fb2e924cd7885ddbdbeaef" placeholder, 180818 bytes
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * rsrc={608ED185-C247-4C3C-A455-C85AD966149B}, note={2f92c6d7-267b-49f4-83c6-53ce3df027c4}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local resource "d438fca6181cb0c939f1fcfd0a82259a" placeholder, 8449704 bytes
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * rsrc={537F1654-D184-4903-BF18-9070845B67BB}, note={2f92c6d7-267b-49f4-83c6-53ce3df027c4}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local resource "b1917a733e5869fd7af3d48b59e7b950" placeholder, 8179515 bytes
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * rsrc={944BD0F9-8A83-4DB1-87A4-310557E46C0E}, note={2f92c6d7-267b-49f4-83c6-53ce3df027c4}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local resource "b484884ee842882597fce6a43343935d" placeholder, 6779090 bytes
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * rsrc={7B75F188-A644-4094-B23F-0BE94E7138B5}, note={2f92c6d7-267b-49f4-83c6-53ce3df027c4}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local resource "faf181e71182343af44dfa438f181fd9" placeholder, 5756827 bytes
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * rsrc={42D56DF3-716C-4300-A408-396839A79BF3}, note={2f92c6d7-267b-49f4-83c6-53ce3df027c4}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local resource "e7d321bedfe30501c2b0bd91b3bb96e5" placeholder, 7687950 bytes
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * rsrc={83FF414D-5B23-420A-98D2-5FE7613102BE}, note={2f92c6d7-267b-49f4-83c6-53ce3df027c4}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local note "生工一班電郵", resource count: 0, usn=41674
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * guid={42F67B79-779C-428E-808E-7223374BE6E1}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local note "Note from Lilian Residential District...", resource count: 0, usn=41666
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * guid={A47FD27A-2913-4ACA-ADF9-C7FE76C1A1B3}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local note "Eyefi card", resource count: 1, usn=41635
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * guid={643756C0-0511-4165-BA4D-AEE5686CDC8F}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local resource "4c30b3fff259106c75cc7f2dbdb37fe9" placeholder, 819062 bytes
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * rsrc={555795B9-2276-4948-B17A-3732B7FC274C}, note={643756c0-0511-4165-ba4d-aee5686cdc8f}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local note "星月之國 Day 6 費特希耶 再次起飛", resource count: 2, usn=41662
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * guid={3A77D339-A500-4809-897E-6BD63524699F}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local resource "20f64dab06a9ea354335ec61f146b9c8" placeholder, 148449 bytes
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * rsrc={39672CF3-303A-44AF-88D9-94C6D352B962}, note={3a77d339-a500-4809-897e-6bd63524699f}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local resource "3be5f1fc491bc959313566a097b5f8f8" placeholder, 158145 bytes
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * rsrc={B9EFDE9F-BFE2-4435-82D7-7547B5DFDE24}, note={3a77d339-a500-4809-897e-6bd63524699f}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local note "莉凤购物", resource count: 0, usn=41640
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * guid={64589C5A-0CC3-4243-8E8E-6B3DAC0CBAAD}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local note "Note from Wuhu Street 111 in Hong Kong", resource count: 0, usn=41685
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * guid={0A8D5BCE-B549-4BDA-8D8B-E7CEBE834596}
10:53:23 [9844] 20% Updating local note "Note from Gillies Avenue South 14–28 ...", resource count: 0, usn=41686
10:53:23 [9844] 20% * guid={592F1C4F-6B73-4E4B-84F3-8CBBC34DBD89}
10:53:23 [9140] 20% Done waiting for 2 base writer tasks
10:53:23 [9140] 20% Submitting get 8 notes task
10:53:23 [9140] 11% Waiting for 1 sync tasks
10:53:23 [6360] 11% Connecting to www.evernote.com/edam/note/s10
10:53:23 [6360] 11% Retrieving 8 notes
10:53:23 [6360] 11% Retrieving note "時隔八年 華農再聚首"
10:53:23 [6360] 11% * guid={2f92c6d7-267b-49f4-83c6-53ce3df027c4}
10:53:23 [6360] 11% * total data size=40391130
Then the sync icon keep spinning and never stop. 
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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I'm confused because I'm on 5.8.13 and according to my app this is the latest version.. and my beta updates are enabled.  Not sure where 5.8.16 is coming from...


Regardless;  I'd say the first step in trying to fix this would be to check your Trash and any Conflicting Changes folders and clear any contents. Check the web version via a browser too.


If that doesn't resolve the issue,  backup your database (Tools > Options for the location of your database folder) and uninstall/ restart/ reinstall as administrator.

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  • 7 months later...
On יום שני 17 אוגוסט 2015 at 2:01 PM, gazumped said:

Regardless;  I'd say the first step in trying to fix this would be to check your Trash and any Conflicting Changes folders and clear any contents.

I also had some issue with the "sync".
For the last 2-4 months my desktop-evernote sync icon was RED indicating there was some issue with the sync.

And like @frankysea I had these 2 lines in the errlog

16:28:36 [5468] Checking UpSell: Checking Eligiblity
16:28:36 [5468] Checking UpSell: Not Eligible: Too soon, check API after 2016/03/26 11:16:03

I searched this forum and after reading @gazumped post I decided to clear the Trash folder and that's it. problem solved (at least for me).

Many thanks to @gazumped :)

Evernote (the latest version)

Win7 x64

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