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new computer

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All of the notes that are in synced notebooks will sync to your new computer when you sign into evernote.  If you have any local notebooks you will need to export them to an ENEX file and put that on a stick and then import to the EN on your new computer.  Any links in the local notes will be lost in the process, FYI.  But, net of it all, if you don't have any local notebooks, nothing to do but sign in into EN on the new machine.

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Hi Beth,


Just install the Evernote desktop client on your new computer, log in, and your notes will automatically sync from the Evernote servers. You can also access your notes anywhere via the web client (in your browser)... but as you know, the desktop app is the way to go. No transferring of notes... because all of your info is on the Evernote servers.


The only thing you have to look out for is whether you have any "local notebooks". Those do not sync to the Evernote servers...

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