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Notebook List Keeps Scrolling as I Work

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This question is about the Evernote Windows desktop client.


As I am working in a note, I notice that the list of notebooks on the left side of the interface is constantly scrolling.


The scrolling happens when I move my cursor from the note to the menus (and vice versa), or when I cut and paste within a note. The scrolling also happens  when I move the cursor away from the interface onto the desktop or another open window.


The constant scrolling is quite distracting. Can I make it stop?


[Evernote 5.8.13 running on Windows 8.1]

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Level 5*

Hi.  If you haven't fixed this yet,  try the View menu - if you prefer,  switch off the left panel and the notes panel with separate keypresses and just have your notes window open while you edit.

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  • 4 months later...

I also find this automatic scrolling action to be extremely annoying.  I don't want to turn off that pane, though, as I switch between notebooks often.  Are there any other suggested fixes for turning off this unwanted scrolling action?

5.9.6 on Win7

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