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Integration with Android Auto (and other car programs)

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Has Evernote given any thought to providing an app that will work with Android Auto or other in-car platforms? I was driving today with Android Auto running in my Sonata, and I really wanted to send a note to myself, but there was no way to do it. I'd love to be able to dictate a note into Evernote or have voice control read a note to me, the same way it will read texts in Android Auto.


A lot of messaging apps are available: Telegram, WhatsApp, Skye, Text Me! Kik, ICQ, Hangouts, and a few others. Media apps like Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Play, TuneIn Radio, and others are available, too.  Please add Evernote to the list!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Level 5*

Hi. That's a useful feature request,  but Evernote don't (usually) comment on whether or when they might develop something new.  They do seem big on wearables,  so maybe this is in the same ballpark...

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I found a way to make this work! When I have my phone connected to Android Auto, I just have to press and hold the voice command button on my steering wheel and say, "Note to self," then dictate a short note. Evernote is my default note-taking app through Google Now, so it automatically forwards the note.

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