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Double Quotes does not work with OCR

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Per my screenshot (attached), double quotes in search don't work at all for OCR images. It just looks for any keyword instead of both of them together.


Ex: Search is for "test build", however, the images with just "build" show up in the results along with the "test build" text.


I have tons of images in my notes and the search functionality is basically useless. From what I can tell, there is also no way to turn off OCR. 


I am testing this for my company and would pay, but this issue is making it useless for us across the board.


Anyone have any ideas?





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  • Level 5*

EN Mac 6.0.3 was released last Dec 2014, so it's quite old by Evernote standards.

The current ver is 6.0.16.




Ex: Search is for "test build", however, the images with just "build" show up in the results along with the "test build" text.


I can confirm this behavior in EN Mac 6.0.11 running Mavericks (10.9.5).

See screen shot at bottom.


So it looks like a bug to me.


I recommend that everyone who experiences a bug to submit a bug report.  This will make sure that Evernote is aware of the issue, provide your environment data to help identify/fix the issue, and put more pressure on Evernote to fix.


Submit a BUG report via an EN Support Ticket. In the Support Form, select "Report a bug", and start the Ticket Title with "BUG:  " to make it clear.  Reporting a bug should be available to all users, including Free Account owners.  Other Ticket types available to Free users are "Data Loss", "Crash", & "Sync Issue".




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Also, I am not Evernote premium and don't want to pay since this does not work for us due to the broken functionality. As a result, they will not let me submit the bug. Anyway you can do it @Jmichael?

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