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Different number of notes on all synced devices

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What is this? On my iPad my main notebook has 2980 notes. On the iMac there are only 2977, and on the MacBook there are 2982. The iPhone matches the iPad with 2980 notes. And the web matches my iMac with 2977 notes. What am I supposed to make out of that? How do I know which notes haven't been synchronized and apparently never will be because I tried synchronizing manually a few times. The numbers just won't match.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  You may have notes in a Trash notebook somewhere - try emptying all that you can find;  and you may have a note or two that hasn't synced for some reason,  which should be reasonably easy to check,  or if you have more than one notebook you may have created a Local Notebook on your desktop where notes are deliberately unsynced - hence the word 'local'.  It's more difficult to check for those - what's your desktop OS?

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  • Level 5*

If this is all one notebook, I would go to the MacBook and add a dummy tag to all 2982 notes and sync.  Then go to the web and see if it forced syncing the 5 notes.  You can also try creating an new notebook and moving the notes on the MacBook to it.  To verify the web count, I would look at the bottom right on the web after selecting the notebook to be sure that total matches the one in parentheses next to the notebook name.


This shouldn't happen for sure.  It has happened to me in the past and somehow I had notes that hadn't synced and I ended up modifying them to get them to sync.  May not be your case, FWIW.

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Things seem to get better on its own :-) At the moment, after adding and deleting a few notes as usual, the discrepancy is down to one note: the web is showing consistently one note less than the clients on my devices.

At one point, in order to get everything in line again, I copied the largest notebook into a newly created notebook (I didn't want to simply move my notes because I had experienced significant data loss on some previous occasions doing that). The proved to be unsatisfactory because all the notes now had a creation date of today. So I deleted that notebook again. But that arose the suspicion of the Evernote company. They sent me a mail about detecting unusual large activity on my account and warned me not to use Evernote as a backup medium for my hard disk. I didn't find that considerate or helpful. On top of that they didn't reply to my bug report.


But thanks to gazumped and csihilling for being concerned.

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