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Linking images to notes rather than embed

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I'm not sure if this suggestion has been made already, however, when I take an image in a note it is too large (even when changed to small in settings, I would like to be able to link an image within a note or it appear as a thumbnail size that can be enlarged when clicked on.

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  • Level 5*

Until/IF Evernote provides this feature, here is one possible workaround:


  1. Create a 1 cell table
  2. Resize the table/cell to the size you want the image to appear as
  3. Drag the image into the cell
  4. The image now is the size of the cell
  5. To see the full size, right-click on the image, and choose "Open", or "Open with" to open/view in one of your image apps on your PC/Mac
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