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(Archived) "autocopy text while selecting it"-feature

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hi all,

on *nix terminals, this is a common feature. also on the most linux OS's: while selecting/marking a text, it is automaticly copied to the clipboard.

thus, saves time and rightclicking or keypressing.

i wonder, if we could expect such a feature to be optional in the users preferences on MAC or WIN versions. (i did not use the linux version of EN to see if this feature is included, if a linux version exists)

what do you think? will this be helpful?

main thing is, that each user can configure this behaviour by him-/herself, because sometimes it can be really anoying to have everything automaticly copied to the clipboard ;-) but if you know what you do and need this feature, it would be really really helpful, if switched on.


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Why not use a free third party software to achieve this?

yes, why not. names? links?

i tell you why not. they won't work as expected and you will have strange results in your clipboard :-)

no, just kidding. or maybe not. as usual, all software must run a certain time to check if it is "good" software.

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  • 6 months later...
  • Level 5*

This is not default behavior in Windows, and I would suggest that it not be the behavior in Evernote. We make selections for reasons other than to copy it to the clipboard; one of which is to replace a selection with the current contents of the clipboard. Placing content on the clipboard is a user option, something that ought not be done casually by applications.


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We make selections for reasons other than to copy it to the clipboard; one of which is to replace a selection with the current contents of the clipboard. Placing content on the clipboard is a user option, something that ought not be done casually by applications.

thats why i ask (now) for a third party app.

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